У статті проаналізовано концептуалізацію біблійної лексеми «хрест» у фразеологічних одиницях народно розмовного походження, зокрема виділено ядро й периферію семантичних реалізацій цієї лексеми. Також побудовано схему, яка репрезентує структуру концепту «хрест» у фразеологізмах уснорозмовного походження.
In the article the conceptualization of the biblical lexeme "cross" in Ukrainian colloquial phraseologisms has been analyzed. In particular, the core and the periphery of the semantic realization of this lexeme have been singled out. It has been established that the core zone of the concept "cross" in Ukrainian colloquial phraseologisms is realized on the basis of understanding the cross as a sacred symbol of the Christian religion. Such realization occurs in several dimensions: as the highest sacred value, as a means of punishment, for ethical opposition, etc. The immediate periphery of the concept "cross" – understanding it as a symbol of suffering or spiritual weapons – is also directly related to the sacred understanding of this lexeme. The more distant periphery actualizes in the lexeme a "cross" the meaning of the corresponding geometric figure or distinctive sign, the medal. Also in the article the scheme of the concept "cross" structure in Ukrainian colloquial phraseologisms has been constructed.