Розглянуто особливості Вступу-2018 до магістратури з іноземної мови за професійним спрямуванням шляхом написання ЗНО з іноземної мови. Автором акцентується увага на проблемах, які виникають, і пропонуються шляхи їх подолання.
The article focuses on developing English communication skills in a specific discipline, such as finance, marketing, management, human resources, engineering and strategic thinking, medicine, aviation etc. Emphasis is given to the language and communication requirements in a particular professional field. This field specific language communication training enables participants to master relevant communication and professional skills. Described the peculiarities of Entrance-2018 to magistracy in Ukraine: foreign language exam in a particular professional field
The author focuses attention on the problems and offers some ways to master them.