Статья посвящена проблеме формирования профессиональных навыков и умений
постижения композиторского замысла музыкального произведения в профессиональной
деятельности учителя музыки. Систематизируются разрозненные теоретические
представления о сущности и свойствах феномена композиторского замысла, которые
рассматриваются в данной статье в аспекте целей и методов музыкальной педагогики.
The purpose of this article - to organize disparate theoretical ideas about the nature of the
composer's intent and to consider them in terms of objectives and methods of music pedagogy.
Music pedagogy should have clear provisions as to what is the essence of the composer's creative
idea what properties this phenomenon, how to identify these properties. It is equally important to
put the methodological problems that can be there any "technique" of understanding the composer's
intent and what it can be based.
Composer concept is a fundamental element of music and the creative process, which
determines the specificity of image-content aspect of the musical work and the principles of using it
in expressive means (technical aspect). Most researchers consider composer`s plan as a universal
category, which is linked to the originality of the idea of a musical work of art and the principles of
its musical and technological implementation.
According to researchers, a composer plan has the properties of structural integrity. In the
plan can be allocated certain components. Usually discussed two levels of musical conception
composer: image-associative and constructive. The first determines the image-content side of a
piece of music, the second - determines the selection of expressive means of music in accordance
with the figurative sense. Together they form the integrity of both the composer's conception of
artistic expression. The structure plan allocate two significant level of composer concept: the
intellectual and psychological (composer reflection) and substantive (musical text and the act of
performance). Each of them can be structured .
Methods for discovering the composer's concept is based on a system of holistic analysis of
a piece of music, covering all aspects of the musical text. In some cases, researchers have become a
priority for the party genre and compositional logic of the musical work (E. Nazaikinskii) or
intonation process logic.
In this regard, the obvious conclusion is that the successful formation of the musicians and
educators skills and comprehension of the composer's intention to work on the theoretical concepts
students about the multifaceted "content" and the complex nature of the composer's creative vision.
This, in our opinion, should be one of the pedagogical principles of procedure of formation of
future music teachers ability to understand and implement in their execution of author's design