У статі розкривається зміст та основи планування тренувального навантаження у відповідності з віковими особливостями розвитку фізичних здібностей хлопчиків та дівчаток на етапі початкової підготовки у ДЮСШ.
Physical qualities are force, speed, endurance and flexibility display and develop for young sportsmen differently. It depends first of all on age, terms of life, degree of employment by manual labor, use of physical exercises in everyday life and especially from efficiency of educational-training employments. G. Arziutov, L. Volkov and others proved convincingly, that at planning of pedagogical process, including sport planning, it is needed to take into account, foremost, that height and biological development young sportsman is characterized deep internal and external changes that are reflected as on the separate systems so on an organism on the whole. These changes require corresponding alteration of the sport system training, both after a form, and on
maintenance. Such alteration is based on conformities to law of grows organism. In the artical of open contest and foundations to planning in compliance with the age peculiarities development physical aptitudes boys and girls on the stage of beginning preparation (younqer school age).
В статье раскрывается содержание и основы планирования тренировочной нагрузки в соответствии с возрастными особеностями развития физических
способностей мальчиков и девочек на этапе начальной подготовки в ДЮСШ