Modern university system of education teachers` supervision and students` self-government is suggested. Students` self-government as a form of students` personality development and training for life and activity in democratic society is presented.
The article is considered some social approaches to the study of social activity of the youth in the context of student self- government. For the development of self- government as a social institution it is necessary to present problems of students life in conditions of university discuss in public the importance and scale of these problems. It is discussed the development of students self-governmentas a significant component of a large scaled Ukrainian project of self-government development in the context of social democratization.
Different approaches scholars about the concept of the student government as a social institution, explore the factor of socialization of young people are described. Subjective factors, both positive and negative impacts on the socialization of young people in the student analyzes the development of skills of self- government, contributing to the formation of the welfare state within the research theme are given.
Автор розкриває особливості та складові студентського самоврядування, окреслює фактори, які вливають на самоврядування у ВУЗі, визначає типи самоврядування та його вплив на формування соціальної активності в умовах вузу.