У статті показано, що порушення слуху, зору, інтелекту, дитячий церебральний параліч, аутизм супроводжуються не тільки розладами моторики й координації, але й вищих психічних функцій, особливо мови, уваги, пам’яті, що обмежує пізнавальну, комунікативну, навчальну, трудову, рухову діяльність і потребує корекції.
In the article is rotined, that violation of ear, sight, intellect, child's cerebral paralysis, autism are accompanied not only dysmotilities and coordination but also higher psychical functions, especially speech, attention, memory, which provide cognitive, communicative, educational, labour, motive activity and require a correction.To build a pedagogical process, determine didactic lines, put and decide the tasks of educational activity, it is necessary to know the state of health, physical, psychical, personality features of children with violations in development, because description of object of pedagogical influences is the initial condition of any process of education. The category of these children is extraordinarily various on nosology, age, degree of weight and structure of defect, time of his origin, reasons and character of flowing of disease, medical prognosis, presence of concomitant diseases and secondary rejections, state of somatic health, level of physical development and physical preparedness and other signs. For children with disabilities from childhood and characterized by manifestations dizontogeneza retardation as in the natural (biological) and in psychophysical development that causes shifts age sensitive periods of development, resulting in a scarcity of natural needs of the child on the move, the game, emotions, communication, complicates the process of learning. According to numerous studies, abnormal development of the child is always accompanied by disturbances in motor function, delay and deficiency of motor areas. From their healthy peers in terms of physical development and physical preparedness they lag of 1-3 years and more.