Статтю присвячено проблемі практичної реалізації здоров’ятворчої роботи у педагогічній спадщині В. О. Сухомлинського. Проаналізовано і узагальнено форми й методи валеологічного виховання учнів основної і старшої школи, такі як „уроки сердечності”, заняття з психології, „розумна праця”, колективна самодіяльність тощо.
The article is devoted to the problem of health care works with students of primary and high school in the classical pedagogics V. Sukhomlynsky. On basis of scientific resources problem of schoolchildren health culture formation through V. Sukhomlynsky pedagogical heritage was analyzed; social and historical background of developing the idea of schoolchildren health culture formation by V. Sukhomlynsky was found; concepts of health culture formation in V. Sukhomlynsky pedagogical heritage were discovered; peculiarities of Pavlysh Secondary school teachers training for schoolchildren health culture formation were evaluated; possibilities of application of V. Sukhomlynsky ideas concerning schoolchildren health culture formation in modern educational practice were found. Analyzed and generalized forms and methods of education culture health of students of primary and high school in practical activities scientist, such as „lessons of the heart", studies in psychology, "smart work", a collective initiative etc.