У статті описано принципи, зміст і організацію корекційно-розвивальної роботи зі слабозорими дітьми засобами ігор, подано результати експерименту та їх аналіз, доведена ефективність створених педагогічних умов для розвитку і корекції пізнавальної діяльності слабозорих дітей 5-7 років, корекції їхніх психомоторних функцій і координаційних здібностей.
The article presents the content and organization of correctional and developing work with visually impaired children by means of games, the corrective program, which was developed on the basis of the motion games in conjunction with articulatory and finger gymnastics was presented. According to the content of correctional program the cognitive activity development in the process of correctional and developing games is built on such fundamental principles: consideration of the specific and personal characteristics of children with visual impairments, comprehensive approach to diagnostics and corrective help for children with visual impairment; differentiated approach to children depending on their vision condition and ways of orientation in the environmental cognition, including the application of special forms and methods of work with children, original books, visual manuals, typhlotechnic . It was described the pedagogical experiment with application of approbated motive games that are systemized by the following criteria: development of personal qualities of children, their sensorimotor functions, cognitive mental processes, physical abilities, speech, strengthening and expanding of the basic ideas, expand the perceptions about the environment, pinning of the social and life skills. The results of the experiment and their analysis were presented, it was proved the effectiveness of the created pedagogical conditions for development and correction of visually impaired children of 5-7 years cognitive activity, correcting their psychomotor and coordination skills.