У статті представлено алгоритм оздоровчо-фізкультурної програми з фізичного виховання студентів СМГ, що передбачає формування потреби підтримування та збереження здоров’я, фізичного вдосконалення організму, набуття знань з гігієни та медичної допомоги. Забезпечить корекцію рівня здоров’я засобами фізичної культури та в системі самостійних занять фізичними вправами.
There was increase in the number of students with variations in health status in recent years in Ukraine. Age requirement diseases much younger - this is the age of the students. According to statistical data increased the number of students belonging to special medical group (SMG) from 14% to 19.5% of. That's why is so acute question of the proper organization of SMG in higher education. Testing of the existing scientific and methodological literature demonstrates a lack of a comprehensive program of improvement of students SMG and a clear vision to address this issue. Finding ways to optimize recreational and athletic programs in physical education for students SMG determines the urgency and necessity of this work.The purpose of research - to substantiate, developed an algorithm implementation recreational and athletic program in physical education for students SMG. Numerous studies have shown high effectiveness of various means of physical training in the rehabilitation of students with weak health, resulting in reducing morbidity, improving adaptation to adverse environmental factors, to increase the functional reserves and physical performance.We believe that recreational and a sports program for physical education is the most informative and important component of the systematic effects of exercise, regardless of the motives aspirations of each student. Using regular physical training can improve the overall health of students SMG, strengthen its protective and adaptive mechanisms, physiological reserves to expand and ensure the continuity of the healing process. The use of recreational and athletic programs in physical education for students SMG in the process of training and outside training forms physical education classes during the school year contributed to increasing the level of physical fitness, physical fitness of students SMG.