Досліджено сучасний стан здоров’я учнів школи мистецтв. Визначено передумови системи підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до створення здоров’язбережувального середовища у школах мистецтв.
Today the school is the only social institution, professionally designed to study the individuality of each student; determine the best ways of becoming favorable for learning when they are in the most intense period of the age – the period of growth, development and maturation. Functional state of school children depends on their way of life: rather high nervous and emotional stress on the background of low levels of motor activity and characteristics of individual development. At school age continues biological formation of the body, there is social identity formation, because during this period of life requires a set of measures designed to achieve harmony of physical, mental and social development. Monitored the medical records of pupils State Secondary Art School named after Taras Shevchenko (state secondary specialized arts boarding school), which is a comprehensive educational institution and has the status of a state educational institution that provides complete secondary education and professional art pre-professional training creatively gifted students. In the 2013-2014 academic year at school there were 390 students grades 5-11. Research health school youth revealed different types of abuse physique in about 70% of students (pathology of the musculoskeletal system - the defeat of the spine, which was found in 45.7% of the students in the form of posture and scoliosis I-II levels (respectively 34.4 and 11.3%), foot arch pathology observed in 24.3% of children, abnormalities in the cardiovascular system - at 35-40%, neuroses - 25%, autonomic dysfunction - 40%. Allergic diseases have been reported in medical records in 10.6% of students (atopic dermatitis, asthma). Monitoring medical records made it possible to identify different groups of children health. It was found that the group I (to conditionally healthy children), is only 10% of students; Group II to health include 66.3% of children with a variety of functional variations in health status, III group is 23.7% of children with chronic illness and organic. The health status of modern students enrolled in Contemporary Students need to create conditions that ensure the restoration, preservation and development of their health, promote intellectual and creative growth. Such conditions can be created, especially in schools, providing individual approach, using molding health, developmental care, health savings, stimulating health, health deterrent, and health security technology education.