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Ukrainian State University

Вплив гуманістичного прагматизму на розвиток сучасного суспільства

ISSN: 2310-8290

Show simple item record Жарких, Володимир Юрійович 2016-04-25T07:09:19Z 2016-04-25T07:09:19Z 2010
dc.identifier.citation Жарких В. Ю. Вплив гуманістичного прагматизму на розвиток сучасного суспільства : автореф. дис. ... докт. філософ. наук: 09.00.03 / В. Ю. Жарких ; керівник роботи Т. В. Розова ; Нац пед. ун-т ім. М. П. Драгоманова. - Київ, 2009. - 33 с. ua
dc.description.abstract В дисертації досліджується вплив гуманістичного прагматизму на розвиток сучасного суспільства. Досліджені постулати гуманістичного прагматизму, соціальні і філософські концепції якого розглядаються у світлі їхньої актуальності в процесі демократичних перетворень, консолідації суспільства і побудови гармонійного суспільного консенсусу в сучасній Україні. Показано, що основою сучасного плюралістичного світогляду є пошук компромісу і зняття перешкод для вирішення конфлікту. Проаналізовано головні способи взаємодії в тріаді “людина-влада-суспільство”, в контексті якої проходить процес динамічного взаємопроникнення її елементів. Досліджені специфіка, цілі і потенціал розвитку соціально значущої особистості в сучасному глобальному суспільстві. Показано, що зміни в культурі комунікації модифікують формат і зміст соціокультурного обміну і сприяють розповсюдженню плюралістичного світогляду, що має значний позитивний вплив на процес гармонізації суспільства. ua
dc.description.abstract В диссертации исследовано влияние гуманистического прагматизма на развитие современного общества. Исследованы постулаты гуманистического прагматизма, социальные и философские концепции которого рассмотрены в свете их актуальности в демократических преобразованиях, консолидации общества и создании гармоничного социального консенсуса в современной Украине. Показано, что основой плюралистического мировоззрения является поиск компромисса и снятие препятствий для разрешения конфликта. Проанализированы главные способы взаимодействия в триаде «человек-власть-общество», в контексте которой происходит процесс динамичного взаимопроникновения элементов. Исследованы специфика, цели и потенциал развития социально значимой личности в современном глобальном мире. Показано, что перемены в культуре коммуникации модифицируют формат и смысл социокультурного обмена и способствуют распространению плюралистического мировоззрения, что оказывает значительное положительное влияние на процессы гармонизации общества. ua
dc.description.abstract The dissertation deals with the influence that humanistic pragmatism has made and is making on the development of modern society. Since the last decade of the XXth century concepts of humanistic pragmatism have returned into the focus of worldwide philosophical discussion. The revival of pragmatism in its humanistic dimension is explained by the growing concern for a dangerous disagreement and loss of harmony in the world. The all systemic crisis and contradictory tendencies of unification and alienation require a different approach to the ideological backgrounds of social relations. The present-day Ukraine requires a remaking of social thought. In its search for adequate forms of social structure, institutes and character of societal interaction Ukraine’s need to determine the outlines of an optimal ideology of social 38 consensus is particularly acute. The absence of a positive unifying ideology dehumanizes Ukrainian society. Democratic changes in Ukrainian social and political life are happening in the atmosphere of an ideological vacuum in the country against a global crisis. The situation of intellectual separation destroys social unity and deepens the conflict in the opposition of “we-they”. In this context the way the fundamental philosophical problem of “truth” is treated in humanistic pragmatism is of utmost theoretical and practical value. The author points out and specifies parameters of treating the dichotomy of “truth-error” within the context of its personal and social dimensions expressed in and based on the postulate of preliminary, changeable and multiple character of each element in the dichotomy. It is stressed that adequate humanistic theory of “truth” must (1) contain conceptual markers to help separate truth from error and (2) be adaptable for human existence in its personal and societal dimensions. Both these principles are important for determining ways of consolidating and stabilizing social relations in Ukraine today. Of no less importance is the analysis of “error” in terms of genetic correlation in the opposition “truth-error”. The unbreakable cohesion of truth and error is viewed in as the essence of human cognition. Treating error as a touchstone in the search for truth breaks the whole paradigm of traditional attitude to error as an obstacle and failure to be avoided. The significance and usefulness of error is seen as a proof of fallibility of truth, the validity of which can never be determined apriori. It is shown that non-acceptance of the idea of absolute property of the elements in the opposition “truth-error” makes a great positive impact on the process of harmonizing society. This fundamental postulate is the basis for defining the concepts in the trichotomy “ freedom-necessity-responsibility” in terms of choice between values, responsibility for which rests with the person who makes the choice. Likewise the concept of “belief” is considered within the human perception of reality, agreement and satisfaction, which is motivated by personal psychological attitude to a proposition. “Belief” like any other human activity must “work”, i.e. be of use for human needs. It is seen as another proof of fallibility of truth - as soon as belief no longer satisfies expectations, interests or hopes it is determined as wrong and substituted by another. These postulates of humanistic pragmatism are incorporated into the framework of an ethical ideal, which implies a state of harmony in all spheres of social life. It is the goal to be realized by practical activity of humans, who are free to choose among conflicting motives and take the most adequate and sensible decision under given circumstances. The author considers the premises for creating a pluralistic perception of environment, which are also rooted in the assumption of the practical evaluation and verification of truth. The development of human experience has proved the necessity of civilizational adaptation. Search for truth and the process of making human reality has suggested that it is not enough to acknowledge the plurality of the world. Pluralism of attitude must be built by looking for and finding compromise, especially in settling conflicts within the trichotomy “man-power-society”. The concept of humanistic pluralism is not understood in its statics but developed on the idea of 39 diversity, variability and changeability It is viewed as a dynamic process of conflict and confrontation, a positive resolution of which rests entirely with the good will of participants. Its successful practical implementation requires positive activity in looking for an understanding and compromise. Resolution of conflicts, unrest, and even hostile opposition demands tolerance and patience in applying democratic freedoms and a conscious perception of a personal and civil responsibility. The motivation message of this postulate should be taken into consideration when defining an ideology of support, trust and harmony. The analysis of the research material makes it possible for the author to state that the concept of fallibility of truth opens a way to find an alternative to any situation, however impassable it may seem. There is always a chance and a possibility to discover a new perspective in a failure, error or crisis. It is the author’s strong conviction that postulates of humanistic pragmatism are a rich source of fruitful ideas, which should be positively employed in all spheres of human activity and social life in the process of transforming Ukrainian society. ua
dc.language.iso uk ua
dc.publisher Видавництво НПУ ім. М.П. Драгоманова ua
dc.subject гуманістичний прагматизм ua
dc.subject істина ua
dc.subject помилка ua
dc.subject свобода ua
dc.subject відповідальність ua
dc.subject компроміс ua
dc.subject конфлікт ua
dc.subject світогляд ua
dc.subject суспіль ua
dc.subject гуманистический прагматизм ua
dc.subject истина ua
dc.subject ошибка ua
dc.subject ответственность ua
dc.subject компромисс ua
dc.subject конфликт ua
dc.subject мировоззрение ua
dc.subject общество ua
dc.subject humanistic pragmatism ua
dc.subject truth ua
dc.subject error ua
dc.subject freedom ua
dc.subject responsibility ua
dc.subject compromise ua
dc.subject conflict ua
dc.subject philosophy of life ua
dc.subject society ua
dc.title Вплив гуманістичного прагматизму на розвиток сучасного суспільства ua
dc.type Other ua

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