Сформовано адекватний образ дискурсивності сучасних економічних знань у процесі глобалізаційних перетворень світового господарства в його основних вимірах і формах. Досліджено процедуру становлення сучасного номодологічного проекту теорії, методології та механізмів існування соціально-економічної сфери буття постіндустріального суспільства, яка базується на принципових положеннях практики формування неоекономіки за умов пластичного ризоматичного середовища. У контексті неоекономічної проблематики здійснено комплексний соціально-філософський аналіз специфіки функціонування національного економічного знання в епоху глобалізації, досліджено його структуру, змістове навантаження та можливості соціально-креативного потенціалу як теоретико-методологічної основи концепції цивілізаційного розвитку сучасного українського суспільства.
The Thesis presents an adequate image of discursiveness of modern economic knowledge in the process of globalization conversion of world economy in its basic forms and dimensions. There has been researched a procedure of development of modern nomodologic concept of theory, methodology and mechanisms of social and economic existence of post industrial society based on practice of formation of neo-economy under condition of ductile rhizomatic environment. There has been proved that architectonics of categorical set of modern economic science cannot have an inflexible structure and in structural way corresponds to rhizoma functioning principles, meaning that fundamental economic categories acquire polysemantic nature in accordance with the «free structural game» of neo-economy, ensuring in such a way a formation of new type of legitimacy of modern scientific economic knowledge;
Having provided a complex analysis of phenomena of discursive formalization of problematic issue of social and economic research, there has been proved in the Thesis that discourse is not only an alive embodiment of the procedure of text self coordination meaning formally a fixed sign structure of economic existence but the single way of actualization of potential social and cultural senses of economic existence. Only a mechanism of functioning of intellectual discursive practices makes possible a procedure of formation of semantic field in frames of which substantial inceptions, methodologies and models of economic activities of certain communities are being interpreted and accustomed.
The Thesis presents problems of ways and modes of world economic development and transformations, proves the idea that unlike previous concepts of general development and natural economic progress of teleological Hegelian and Marxism concepts, there has been emerged proposals to handle not only development laws categories but also variation tendencies. They acquire basically other mechanisms of economic practice and economic forecasting under condition of globalized world formation. Such transformational situation in economic sphere allows to offer a broad nomadologic concept of refusal not only from the theories sated above but also a gradual withdrawal from typical features of classical metaphysics of presumption. Possibilities of developed ontology are directed to theoretical reconstruction and transformation of economic existence of society on principles of rhizoma disruption and transition of segmental existence lines to slip lines at the expense of functional action of theoretical structures and pre-structures of discursive practices giving possibility to identify and analyze an object field of the economic science.
The Thesis identifies and researches transformational vectors of the semantic field of neo-economic activity at the beginning of the 20th Century and analyses modern social and economic matrix array of transformational processes in Ukraine as rhizomatic social and philosophic interpretation of modern economic models and methodologies, proves substantial equivalence of neoclassical institutional models of market economy development including models of economic growth on the basis of using opportunities of human capital theory.
In the context of neo-economic problems there has been made a complex social and philosophic analysis of peculiarities of functioning of national economic knowledge in the epoch of globalization, researched its structure, semantic load and possibilities of social and creative potential as theoretic and methodological basis of civilization development concept of modern Ukrainian society.