Дисертація присвячена вивченню психологічної готовності вихованців інтернатних закладів до шлюбно-сімейних стосунків, виявленню змісту, структури, критеріїв та показників її сформованості. Досліджено зміст ціннісно-смислової сфери особистості депривованих юнаків та дівчат, спрямованої на родинне життя. Визначено специфіку самооцінних ставлень вихованців інтернатних закладів стосовно виконання сімейних та соціальних ролей, досліджено сформованість навичок самокерівництва і самоорганізації життєдіяльності. Розкрито зміст еталонів маскулінності та фемінності у старшокласників, які виховуються без батьківської опіки та в батьківській сім’ї. Визначено рівень поінформованості депривованого юнацтва в питаннях культури сексуального та репродуктивного здоров’я, виховання дітей та сімейного спілкування. Виявлено соціально-психологічні умови, які сприяють успішному статеворольовому самовизначенню молоді, вихованої без батьківської опіки. Доведено ефективність системи психокорекційних заходів, орієнтованих на формування психологічної готовності вихованців інтернатних закладів до створення сім’ї. Конкретизовано доцільність впровадження альтернативних моделей надання психологічної підтримки випускникам закладів інтернатного типу шляхом використання новітніх виховних технологій, які засвідчили свою ефективність у формуванні відповідального ставлення до шлюбно-сімейних стосунків та в адаптації до самостійного життя.
Диссертация посвящена изучению психологической готовности воспитанников интернатных учреждений к брачно-семейным отношениям, выявлению содержания, структуры, критериев показателей её сформированности. Исследована специфика ценностно-смысловой сферы личности депривированных юношей и девушек, направленной на семейную жизнь. Определены особенности образа Я воспитанников интернатных учреждений, специфика их самооценочных отношений по выполнению семейных и социальных ролей, исследована сформированность навыков саморуководства и самоорганизации жизнедеятельности. Раскрыто содержание эталонов маскулинности и феминности у старшеклассников, воспитывающихся без родительской опеки. Определен уровень поинформированности депривированного юношества в вопросах культуры сексуального и репродуктивного здоровья, воспитания детей и семейного общения. Выявлены социально-психологические условия, способствующие успешному полоролевому самоопределению молодежи, воспитанной без родительской опеки. Доказана эффективность системы психокоррекционных занятий, ориентированных на формирование психологической готовности воспитанников интернатных учреждений к созданию семьи. Конкретизирована целесообразность внедрения альтернативных моделей оказания психологической поддержки выпускникам учреждений интернатного типа путем использования новейших воспитательных технологий, которые засвидетельствовали свою эффективность в формированиии ответственного отношения к брачно-семейным отношениям и в адаптации к самостоятельной жизни.
In the dissertation there have been analyzed the peculiarities of development of sex consciousness of boarding school inmates and their ego-image as the indices of their psychological readiness to independent life and marriage-family relation. It has been proved that moulding of the ego-image of boarding school inmates is influenced by deprivational factors, which manifest themselves in lack of psychological readiness of boys and girls to independent life and, in particular, to marriage and starting a family. Psychological readiness to start a family has been considered as a complex of interconnected characteristics of consciousness that includes a motivational and value component manifesting itself in the sense sphere of the Self – life orientations, convictions and life parting words; a cognitive component – as availability of the system of knowledge, an appropriate level of information about the functioning of a family; an emotional-regulative component - as the ability for reflection and self-regulation of behavior and emotional states; and a behavioral component - as a totality of social and psychological skills and habits requisite for marriage and family interaction. There has been investigated the content of the value-sense sphere of the personality of deprivated boys and girls directed to a family life. It has been ascertained that inmates of boarding schools are characterized by orientation towards starting a family as the most important life value on the one hand, and the other hand – by lack of a shaped system of directions concerning the ways of establishing marriage-family relations as well as readiness to put forth real life aims, education and professional plans, and insufficient realization of one“s own potentials and resources to perform family roles. There have been defined the peculiarities of Ego-image of boarding school inmates and the specificity of their self-estimative attitudes towards performing family and social roles. There have been examined the peculiarities of self-management and self-organization skills of vital activity. It has been found that under the condition of deprivation of parents-child interaction, emotive-value attitude of young people towards themselves is characterized by a narrowed ability to self-reflection, littleness and unimportance, the sense of fault, inner conflictfulness, inclination to self-accusation, which forms the dependent position in the development of intimate-referential contacts and future marriage, narrows the possibilities of self-realization in preparation for family life. An inclination to external expectations in the majority of spheres of vital activity, a weak ability to self-assertion in the society by socially aproved ways and consequently, the orientation to a passive-expectative position, evadive behavior is peculiar to the life strategy of deprivated young people. There have been revealed the content of the standards of masculinity and femininity of senior pupils brought up without parental wardship. It has been established that gaining of gender identity by boys and girls under the condition of deprivation is characterized by diffusion, non-personification of gender roles behavior, narrowness of diapason and content of sex-role behavior standards cultivated by a boarding school. Lack of socially adequate models to follow gives rise to a tendency of assimilation of sex-nondifferentiated models and to lack of androgynous or gender-typified models. Low level of awareness of deprivated young people of the questions of reproductive and sexual health, narrowing of the zone of privacy within the boundaries of physical ego gives birth to unprotectiveness of boys and girls in the development of intimate contacts, creates preconditions for entry into a group of risk. There have been revealed social and psychological conditions favourable for a successful self-identification of young people brought up without parental wardship. The system of psycho-corrective measures aimed at formation of psychological readiness of boarding school inmates to start a family, created the preconditions for pedagogically directed influence on its main structural components. Research approbated alternative models of rendering psychological support to graduates of boarding schools, as well as new education technologies aimed at the development of separate components, proved their effectiveness in the formation of responsible attitude to marriage-family relations and adaptation to independent life.
There has been proved the effectiveness of the system of psycho-corrective measures directed toward the formation of psychological readiness of boarding school inmates to start a family. The dynamics of improvement in the motivational-value component of psychological readiness for marriage can be traced in the concordance of the content of the main vital aims, plans, perspectives of boarding school inmates with the system of socially approved means of its attainment, intentions of personal and professional growth, with value-sense orientations to marriage-family relations. The formation of emotional-regulative component of psychological readiness could be traced in the enrichment of the sphere of self-consciousness of the personality of deprivated boys and girls by strengthening the feelings of self-respect and love to themselves, improvement of emotional condition, self-estimative attitude, development of the skills of self-analysis, self-understanding, activization of the processes of will self-regulation, constructive reorientation from passive-expectative position and evadive behavior to active life position and internal locus of control as to the arrangement of their own life.
Pupils’ recomprehension of their life experience, broadening of social-psychological knowledge concerning gender equality in performing family roles were the conditions of development of parts of cognitive component of psychological readiness. Enrichment by sexolo-psychological knowledge in the context of age new formations made the need of deprivated youth in preservation of sexual and reproductive health more active. The dynamics of behavioral component of the investigated readiness reveals itself in the actualization of social-psychological skills and habits necessary for self-organization of vital activity as well as constructive and self-assertive behavior in marriage. Reorientation of deprivated youth from nondifferentiated and stereotypicaly traditional masculine-feminine to the androgynous model of behavior has increased the adaptiveness to the society at the expense of the development of more flexible forms of communication. There has been rendered concrete the expediency of introduction of the alternative models of psychological assistance to the graduates of boarding schools by employing new education technologies which proved effective in forming responsible attitude to marriage-family relations, and in adaptation to independent life.