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Ukrainian State University

Honey-bearing plants of Lamiaceae family of the Kyiv region: biological and practical aspects

ISSN: 2310-8290

Show simple item record Yurchenko, Ye. Kustovska, A. Paientko, V. Matkovsky, A. Vedmedenko, V. 2025-02-14T09:50:47Z 2025-02-14T09:50:47Z 2025-01-28
dc.identifier.citation Honey-bearing plants of Lamiaceae family of the Kyiv region: biological and practical aspects / Ye. Yurchenko, A. Kustovska, V. Paientko, A. Matkovsky, V. Vedmedenko // Planta+. Наука, практика та освіта : матеріали V науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю, присвяченої пам’яті доктора хімічних наук, професорки Ніни Павлівни Максютіної (до 100-річчя від дня народження) (Київ, 28-29 січня 2025 р.). – Київ : Паливода А. В., 2025. – Т. 1. – С. 207-208. uk
dc.description.abstract The study is devoted to a comprehensive study of honey-bearing plants of the Lamiaceae family growing in the Kyiv region. The work highlights their biological, biochemical and medicinal properties, as well as the possibilities of use in pharmacy, cosmetology and education. Special attention is paid to the production of Beldi soap based on medicinal raw materials of the studied plants. The Lamiaceae family is one of the most valuable in botanical and practical aspects due to the rich biochemical composition and medicinal properties of its representatives. The Kyiv region is distinguished by the diversity of honey-bearing species of this family, which ensures their importance in the field of beekeeping, pharmacy, cosmetology and education. The main goal of the work is a comprehensive study of the biological, biochemical and ecological features of plants of the Lamiaceae family growing in the Kyiv region, as well as determining their potential for various industries. uk
dc.language.iso en uk
dc.publisher Національний медичний університет імені О. О. Богомольця uk
dc.subject Lamiaceae uk
dc.subject Beldi soap uk
dc.subject cosmetics uk
dc.title Honey-bearing plants of Lamiaceae family of the Kyiv region: biological and practical aspects uk
dc.type Article uk

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