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Ukrainian State University

Єврейський антипогромний рух в Україні 1917 – 1920-ті рр.

ISSN: 2310-8290

Show simple item record Доценко, Віктор Олегович 2024-10-28T14:27:37Z 2024-10-28T14:27:37Z 2013
dc.identifier.citation Доценко, В. О. Єврейський антипогромний рух в Україні 1917 – 1920-ті рр. / В. О. Доценко // Вісник аграрної історії - 2013. - № 6/7. - С. 38-46. uk
dc.description.abstract В статті розглядаються особливості єврейських погромів в Україні в період національної революції 1917-20-го років та діяльність єврейських громадських об’єднань направлена на ліквідацію та подолання погромного руху. Організацію допомоги постраждалим здійснювали єврейські громади губернських міст, Київське товариство допомоги єврейському населенню постраждалому від бойових дій, Спілка євреїв-воїнів, Київський комітет Товариства охорони здоров’я єврейського населення та ін. У 1919 р. почали діяти Центральний комітет допомоги постраждалим, Редакційна колегія зі збору і публікації матеріалів про погроми на Україні, Відділ допомоги при Російському товаристві Червоного Хреста на Україні та Всеросійський громадський комітет допомоги постраждалим від погромів і стихійних лих – Євгромадком. З 1920 р. допомогу почали надавати закордонні товариства, зокрема, Джойнт. uk
dc.description.abstract The article examines the reasons for massacres, their course and part of the Jewish community in the process of overcoming the negative impact of pogroms shares on socio-economic and political situation of the Jewish population of Ukraine. The first researches concerning Jewish pogroms during the Civil War and public participation in overcoming their effects appeared in the 1920-30's. In 1930 the theme of massacres fades into the background, and then it will be replaced crimes of the Nazis in the occupied Soviet territories, and in the West the story of the Holocaust. Studying the history of pogroms resumed in the 1990's. Regarding the Ukrainian Jews used the following forms of organized violence like mass pogroms. Jews were robbed and killed all the warring parties – the Soviet Bolsheviks, Whites, Ukrainian troops. Some regions combatants rolled over several times, incredibly increased the suffering of the Jewish people. Each of the warring parties saw the Jews their enemies, who supported the other side. From looting and murder suffered not only the residents of Jewish settlements right-bank Ukraine, but also peasants Jewish colonies in the South. The fighting in southern Ukraine continued for 1917-1921's, that had an impact on the number of pogroms, tribunals, indemnities in favor of the troops. The pogrom of 1917-1921’s covering all Ukrainian provinces where Jews lived. In many settlements pogroms occurred several times. During the riots killed thousands of people , rioters were not sparing neither children nor old , nor women. Along with murder, rape of women took place looting property. The literature provides a variety of figures showing the number of casualties and extent of loss of material, caused the Jewish population of Ukraine during the Civil War. Jewish residents of cities and towns after pogroms in need of immediate medical and food aid. This has led to emergence among the national conscious Jewish associations that aim of the activity was determined fight against those pogromists and restore socio-economic and cultural situation of Ukrainian Jewry. No questions omitted pogroms and the Bolsheviks, who saw antipogrom campaign through the lens of Jewish integration in the new political system of the state “dictatorship of the proletariat”. Information about pogroms and organizing assistance to victims of them carried the Jewish communities of the provincial towns, departments of old wide Jewish public organizations such as the Kiev Association for Jewish population affected by the fighting, the Union of Jewish soldiers, Kyiv Committee of the Association of Health of the Jewish population, etc. On the part of the Communist Party in 1919 in Kiev established a number of specialized Jewish associations that had organized assistance to the affected Jewry, collect documentary material: the Central Committee of assistance to victims of pogroms, Editorial Board of the collection and publication of materials on pogroms in Ukraine, Division of assistance to victims of pogroms at the Russian Red Cross Society in Ukraine and others. After the final occupation of Ukraine by the Bolsheviks in the region begins to work the All Public Committee for assistance to victims of pogroms and natural disasters. The Soviet government strongly supported this Committee and desired that the organization is fully seized control of the redistribution of aid from abroad and suspended from that Zionists. In 1920, a campaign to help victims of pogroms Jewry joined and foreign voluntary societies, including Joint. uk
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk
dc.subject погроми uk
dc.subject антисемітизм uk
dc.subject євреї uk
dc.subject добровільні товариства uk
dc.subject більшовики uk
dc.subject денікінці uk
dc.subject отаманщина uk
dc.subject pogroms uk
dc.subject anti-semitism uk
dc.subject Jews uk
dc.subject voluntary societies uk
dc.subject the Bolsheviks uk
dc.subject Denikin uk
dc.subject Otamanschina uk
dc.title Єврейський антипогромний рух в Україні 1917 – 1920-ті рр. uk
dc.title.alternative Jewish antipogrom movement in Ukraine in 1917 – 1920's. uk
dc.type Article uk
dc.identifier.udc 94(477)«1917-1920»

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