У дисертації здійснено теоретико-концептуальне обґрунтування та емпірично досліджено вплив позашкільної освіти на процеси соціалізації та розвитку дітей шкільного віку з інтелектуальними порушеннями. Здійснено комплексний системний теоретико-методологічний аналіз проблеми соціалізації та розвитку особистості в психолого-педагогічній літературі; проаналізовано вікові особливості соціального становлення дітей з нормотиповим розвитком та інтелектуальними порушеннями в теорії та практиці спеціальної освіти. Проаналізовано та узагальнено нормативно-інституційні чинники теорії та практики позашкільної освіти в Україні. Схарактеризовано роль, напрями і функції позашкільної освіти; емпірично досліджено моделі залучення школярів з інтелектуальними порушеннями до позашкільної освіти («колективної освітньої інтеграції», «освітньої інклюзії», «комбінованої» та «масової»). Виокремлено когнітивно-усвідомлювальний, мотиваційно-ціннісний, емоційно-регулятивний та діяльнісно-поведінковий компоненти та критерії соціалізованості; інтелектуально-знаннєвий та фізичний компоненти та критерії розвитку. Емпірично досліджено змістовну спрямованість інтересів, особливості соціалізованості та рівні розвитку школярів з інтелектуальними порушеннями на стадіях адаптації, індивідуалізації та інтеграції дотрудової соціалізації. Розроблено, апробовано та впроваджено структурно-функціональну модель соціалізації та розвитку дітей у гуртках позашкільної освіти за моделлю колективної освітньої інтеграції, яка об’єднує системоутворюючі компоненти: цільовий, змістовний, організаційно-процесуальний та результативно-аналітичний. Обґрунтовано та впроваджено спеціальну освітню програму підвищення кваліфікації керівників гуртків «Позашкільна освіта осіб з інтелектуальними порушеннями».
This thesis provides a theoretical and conceptual substantiation and empirical study of the impact of out-of-school education on the processes of socialization and development of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities; it is developed, tested, and implemented a structural and functional model of socialization and development of children in out-of-school work groups. A comprehensive systematic theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of socialization and personality development in the psychological and pedagogical literature is carried out; the age peculiarities of social formation of children with normotypical development and intellectual disabilities in the theory and practice of special education are analyzed. The normative and institutional factors of the theory and practice of out-of-school education in Ukraine are analyzed and summarized. The role, directions and functions of out-of-school education (educational, upbringing, socializing, socio-cultural, social protection, career guidance, social adaptation, recreational and health, compensatory, social and preventive, rehabilitation) are characterized; the models of involvement of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities in out-of-school education («collective educational integration», «educational inclusion», «combined» and «mass») are empirically studied. The analysis of psychological, pedagogical, and empirical studies on the problem of socialization, its structural and substantive components, indicators, criteria, and levels, allowed us to identify cognitive-awareness, motivational-value, emotional-regulatory, and activity-behavioral components and relevant criteria. The intellectual, cognitive, and physical components of development and the corresponding criteria are highlighted. A program of experimental research on the levels of socialization and development of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities has been developed; according to the results of the experimental study, high, medium and low levels of socialization of children of primary, senior and high school age are characterized, descriptive characteristics for each component and level are provided; levels of children's development by physical (high, sufficient, medium, low) and intellectual and cognitive criteria (sufficient, medium, satisfactory, initial) are determined and characterized. The peculiarities of socialization and developmental levels of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities at different stages of socialization were empirically studied, and it was found that most children of primary and senior school age have a low level of socialization, an average level of socialization was found in majority of high schoolchildren, and a high level of socialization was not found in any of the age groups. The level of development of the majority of high schoolchildren according to the physical criterion is average and sufficient, while primary schoolchildren have low and average levels. Based on the analysis of the results of an experimental study of socialization and levels of development, the identified focus of interest in the artistic and aesthetic, ecological and naturalistic, and tourist and local history areas of out-of-school education, the content and methodological support for the socialization and development of children in out-of-school education work groups are developed and implemented. The spatial-subject, psychodidactic and social conditions of the educational environment of out-of-school education, which should be created on the basis of an out-of-school education institution and a special school when involving schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities on the model of collective educational integration, are characterized. The curricula of the primary and basic levels of out-of-school education in the artistic and aesthetic («Folk Art»), ecological and naturalistic («Floriculture») and tourist and local history areas («Young Tourists» and «Local History») have been modified; the structure of the work group has been developed; the procedure for applying interactive teaching methods (mind maps, lapbooking, associative bush, case method, project method) to provide psychological and pedagogical guidance for the development and socialization of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities in work groups is described. A structural and functional model of socialization and development of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities in out-of-school education work groups based on the model of collective educational integration, which combines the systemic components: target, content, organizational, procedural, and effective and analytical, was developed, theoretically substantiated, and implemented. A special educational program for advanced training of heads of work groups «Out-of-school education of persons with intellectual disabilities» was introduced. An experimental study of the effectiveness of the proposed structural and functional model of socialization and development of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities in out-of-school education work groups was conducted, the results of which proved its effectiveness. The mathematical and statistical analysis conducted with the use of Pearson's χ² criterion, Mann–Whitney U-test, Wilcoxon's t test proved the presence of significant positive dynamics in the levels of socialization and development of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities of all age groups. There was a statistically significant increase in the physical qualities of schoolchildren involved in the tourism and local history area of out-of-school education, increased indicators of speed and power endurance, endurance, agility and coordination abilities, and flexibility. The proportion of children with sufficient and average levels of academic achievement among the group of children of primary school, senior and high school age increased significantly.