У дисертаційному дослідженні науково обґрунтувано та розроблено систему формування готовності майбутніх учителів до використання інформаційних технологій в інклюзивному навчанні молодших школярів з особливими освітніми потребами. Визначено особливості застосування ІТ у процесі розв’язання освітніх та корекційно-розвиткових завдань інклюзивного навчання. Розроблено модель формування компетентності вчителя початкової школи в галузі використання ІТ в інклюзивному навчанні учнів, яка включає ключові компетентності, базові та спеціальні компетентності, теоретичний і практичний аспекти підготовки, проєктування індивідуальної освітньої траєкторії здобувача. Встановлено особливості побудови індивідуальних освітніх траєкторій майбутніх учителів у процесі формування готовності до використання інформаційних технологій в інклюзивному навчанні молодших школярів. Представлено систему формування готовності майбутніх учителів початкової школи до використання інформаційних технологій в інклюзивному навчанні учнів з особливими освітніми потребами.
The thesis deals with the system of formation of future teachers’ readiness to use information technologies in inclusive teaching primary school children with special educational needs. The suggested system is scientifically substantiated and worked out. The conceptual synergetic approach to formation of future teachers’ readiness to use information technologies in inclusive teaching primary school children with special educational needs is suggested. It is determined by a holistic comprehension of research terminology; target-content procedural-diagnostic structural model of readiness formation; the structure of educational program for training primary school teachers for inclusive education; the content of training future primary school teachers to use information technologies as well as the structure of competence components are singled out, the educational and methodical materials to form future teachers’ readiness to use IT technologies are developed. The systematic analysis of conceptual approaches to formation of future teachers’ readiness for professional activity under conditions of inclusive education is carried out. The author’s vision concerning the system of categories of research work is formed. It is found that in the inclusive space professional readiness includes the ability to select, analyze and synthesize teaching materials, which will ensure his/her professional mobility, expand professional competence, form readiness to be flexible in professional practice and training. Formation of future teachers’ readiness to use electronic educational resources in inclusive education is defined as an organized and special training aimed at mastering and transforming the psychological, scientific-theoretical and operational-technological components of readiness to use IT in inclusive education into a permanent state of personality. The systematization of regulatory and legal support is carried out. It was done by informal incorporation and allocation of legislative acts on inclusive education in Ukraine. The peculiarities of using IT in educational practice are determined. The model of formation of primary school teacher competence concerning IT use in inclusive teaching pupils has been developed. It consists of key competencies, basic and special competencies, theoretical and practical aspects of training, working out individual trajectory of training which is divided into four blocks. They are: I. Target, II. Informative, III. Diagnostic, IV Procedural. They are determined by personality-oriented, competency-based, student-centered and synergetic approaches. Individual Educational Program for children with mental problems is introduced. It is based on the following Laws of Ukraine: “On Education”, the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, the State Standard of Primary Education, taking into account Standard Educational Programs, modern achievements and special pedagogy and psychology. The Program aims at identifying specific learning strategies and approaches to teaching children with mental problems. The tasks of applying ICT in practice are generalized. They are: introductory-adaptive; correctional and educational; formation and development of learning skills; development of verbal-logical thinking; development of emotional and volitional spheres and creative. The system of interconnected directions of special and stimulating work of using ICT is offered: I. Remedial and health development (game on development of general, small motility of hands); II. Classes on social development; III. Classes on formation of mathematical skills; IV. Classes on speech development (work on sound pronunciation, etc.) V. Work on the development and correction of cognitive processes (perception, memory, attention, thinking), VI. Sense perception development (color, shape). The author’s system is tested and the assessment of readiness for formation primary school teacher competence in the field of using IT in inclusive teaching pupils is carried out. It is based on several stages: I. Information-oriented ІІ. Professional; III. Practical. The evaluation was conducted in the experimental and control groups of future teachers (a total number is 166 people). For the experimental group of specialists the author's system of training future primary school teachers to use IT in inclusive education of pupils with mental problems is offered. According to the results of the research work, it is proved that the suggested approach helps to optimize the formation of future teachers’ readiness to carry out activities under conditions of inclusive education. The peculiarities of individual educational trajectories of future teachers in the process of readiness formation to use information technologies in inclusive education of primary school pupils are established. The application of teaching methods and personality-oriented technologies are substantiated. It is proved that they form the readiness of future primary school teachers to use IT, in particular, to use in organizational process of project activities; interactive lectures on inclusive teaching. The holistic system of forming future primary school teachers’ readiness to use information technologies in inclusive teaching pupils with special educational needs is presented.