Актуальність даного дослідження обумовлена тим, що в ньомусистемно розглядається один з найбільш
визначальних аспектів підготовки вчителів-музикантів – формування культури самоосвіти майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва у вокально-хоровому навчанні. Проблема формування культури самоосвіти вчителя музичного мистецтва актуалізована змінами, що відбуваються в системі вищої музичнопедагогічної освіти, де серед поставлених стратегічних завдань є формування компетентного, мобільного, творчо активного і соціально відповідального вчителя музичного мистецтва з високим рівнем культури самоосвіти. Успішність її вирішення залежить від багатьох факторів, тому вимагає розробки педагогічних технологій і науково-практичного обґрунтування умов їх практичної реалізації. Визначено, що культура самоосвіти вчителя музичного мистецтва є інтегральним новоутворенням, що включає в себе загальну самоосвіту, фахову самоосвіту, педагогічну самоосвіту, самоосвіту вчителя музичного
мистецтва, культуру, педагогічну культуру. Уточнено сутнісно-змістову характеристику основних понять дослідження «музично-педагогічна самоосвіта» і «культура самоосвіти вчителя музичного мистецтва».
The relevance of this study is due to the fact that it systematically considers one of the most defining aspects of the training of music teachers – the formation оf a culture of self-education of future teachers of music in vocal and choral education.
The problem of forming a culture of self-education of music teachers is actualized by changes in the system of higher music-pedagogical education, where among the set strategic tasks is the formation of competent, mobile, creatively active and socially responsible music teacher with high culture of self-education.
The success of its solution depends on many factors, so it requires the development of pedagogical technologies and scientific and practical justification of the conditions of their practical implementation. It is determined that the culture of self-education of a music teacher is an integral neoplasm, which includes general self-education, professional selfeducation, pedagogical self-education, self-education of a music teacher, culture, pedagogical culture. The essential and semantic characteristics of the basic
concepts of research "musical and pedagogical self-education" and "culture of selfeducation of a music art teacher" are specified.
Music and pedagogical self-education – a system of abilities, knowledge, skills and abilities of a music teacher in the field of music art and pedagogy, necessary for the implementation of a holistic cognitive and creative activities from
self-study to the formation of certain personality traits. The culture of selfeducation of the future teacher of music art is a personal neoplasm that determines the effectiveness of meeting personal cognitive needs: as a factor in achieving independence in educational activities; as a leading indicator of professional
competence, where music-pedagogical self-education is a condition and a way of its formation.
It was found that the structure of the culture of self-education of music teachers consists of the following interrelated components: value-oriented – a system of pedagogical values, personal meanings, motives, interests, needs of the/specialist, which forms personal values and promotes music-pedagogical self-education; cognitive-activity component – the basic culture of the individual;
sufficient amount of professional and special knowledge and skills to apply them, the ability to choose sources of knowledge and forms of self-educational activities, additional knowledge of music and pedagogical science, obtained mainly in selfeducational activities; reflexive-control component – a system of self-regulation of the personality of a specialist of his own self-educational activity, which includes control-reflexive operations: self-observation, self-analysis, self-assessment, selfcorrection, self-control. In the dissertation the indicators of each component are developed and presented in detail, which allowed to determine three levels of formation of the culture of self - education of the future teacher of music art: low,
average and high