У дисертаційній роботі здійснено теоретичний аналіз проблеми розвитку
силових якостей курсантів засобами армспорту у процесі фізичного виховання;
досліджено мотиваційно-ціннісне ставлення курсантів до занять армспортом та
їх вплив на фізичну підготовленість, фізичний розвиток, функціональні
можливості, здоров’я та психоемоційний стан курсантів; визначено критерії
оцінювання навчальних досягнень курсантів на заняттях армспортом у процесі
фізичного виховання; розроблено, обґрунтовано методику розвитку силових
якостей курсантів засобами армспорту у процесі фізичного виховання та
експериментально доведено її ефективність. Виявлено, що заняття армспортом
сприяють ефективному розвитку силових якостей курсантів, покращанню їх
фізичного розвитку, зміцненню здоров’я, формуванню позитивної мотивації до
систематичних занять фізичними вправами, формуванню морально-вольових
якостей та покращанню ефективності службової та професійної діяльності.
В диссертационной работе осуществлен теоретический анализ проблемы
развития силовых качеств курсантов средствами армспорта в процессе
физического воспитания; исследовано мотивационно-ценностное отношение
курсантов к занятиям армспортом и их влияние на физическую
подготовленность, физическое развитие, функциональные возможности,
здоровье и психоэмоциональное состояние курсантов; определены критерии
оценивания учебных достижений курсантов на занятиях армспортом в процессе
физического воспитания; разработана, обоснована методика развития силовых
качеств курсантов средствами армспорта в процессе физического воспитания и
экспериментально доказана ее эффективность. Выявлено, что занятия
армспортом способствуют эффективному развитию силовых качеств курсантов,
улучшению их физического развития, укреплению здоровья, формированию
положительной мотивации к систематическим занятиям физическими
упражнениями, формированию морально-волевых качеств и улучшению
эффективности служебной и профессиональной деятельности.
In the thesis paper, the methodology for developing the power qualities of the
cadets of higher military education institutions by means of armsport in the course of
physical education is developed, theoretically substantiated and its efficiency is
experimentally checked. The relevance of the thesis research is conditioned by the longterm
participation of the servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in hostilities in the
East of our country and international peacekeeping operations, which places high
demands on the physical fitness level of cadets – future officers of the Ukrainian Armed
Forces; by a sharp decline in the level of health, physical development, and physical
fitness of Ukrainian school graduates – applicants to higher military education
institutions; by high popularity of power sports among the cadets of higher military
education institutions. Armsport contribute to the effective development of power
qualities of cadets, improve their physical development and health, form a positive
motivation for regular exercises, develop moral and volitional qualities, and improve the
psycho-emotional state. However, the introduction of armsport as a means of physical
education of cadets in the educational process is insufficiently studied, which emphasizes the relevance of the research on the thesis subject.
The first chapter "Theoretical and methodical principles of the development of
power qualities of the cadets of higher military education institutions by means of
armsport in the process of physical education" reveals the specialties of the physical
education process of cadets at higher military education institutions, presents theoretical
and methodical bases of the development of power qualities of the cadets, characterizes
armsport as a means of the development of power qualities of the cadets. The second
chapter "The scientific and theoretical substantiation and development of the
methodology for developing power qualities of the cadets of higher military education
institutions by means of armsport in the process of physical education" lists and reveals
research methods and presents the order of the research organization, the results of the
research on the motivational and value-based attitude of cadets to armsport in the
process of physical education, the level and dynamics of the cadets’ physical fitness in
armsport classes; shows the comparative characteristic of the power qualities of the
cadets of various sports specializations and the results of the analysis of the physical
development, functional capabilities, health and psycho-emotional state of cadets in the
process of armsport classes; substantiate the methodology for developing power qualities
of the cadets of higher military education institutions by means of armsport in the
process of physical education. The third chapter "Checking the efficiency of the
methodology for developing power qualities of the cadets of higher military education
institutions by means of armsport in the process of physical education" defines and
substantiates the criteria for assessing the academic achievements of cadets during
armsport training in the process of physical education and presents the results of testing
the efficiency of the methodology for developing the power qualities of the cadets by
means of armsport. The scientific novelty of the obtained results: for the first time, the methodology
for developing power qualities of cadets by means of armsport in the process of physical
education was theoretically substantiated; pedagogical conditions of increasing the
efficiency of the development of the cadets’ power qualities by means of armsport were
offered; the criteria for assessing the academic achievements of cadets in armsport in the
process of physical education were determined; the process of developing physical
qualities of the cadets of higher military education institutions during power-oriented
sports was improved; the scientific provisions on the specialties of organizing poweroriented
training in military units, the issues of the dynamics of the physical fitness,
physical development, functional abilities, health and psycho-emotional state of cadets
in the training process, as well as the features of the formation of cadets’ motivation for
power-oriented sports gained further development.
The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the development and
experimental testing of the methodology for the developing power qualities of the cadets
by means of armsport in the process of physical education. The methodology for
developing power qualities of cadets by means of armsport in the process of physical
education is introduced into the physical education process of the cadets of three higher
military education institutions and two higher education institutions with specific
training conditions. Theoretical and methodical provisions and practical results of the study can be used at higher military education institutions for teaching the discipline of
Physical Education, Special Physical Training, as well as for the training of military
specialists in physical education and sports. The developed methodology can be adapted
to the physical education process of the cadets of higher education institutions of law
enforcement, rescue, and other special services of Ukraine, as well as the students of
civilian educational institutions.