Стаття присвячена науковому аналізу ролі «глобального» у формуванні сучасної картини світу. В умовах росту міграції, розвитку технологій комунікації, світової інтеграції та уніфікації виникає проблема коректного порозуміння різних культур та народів. Як показує сучасна практика локальних конфліктів, зокрема в Україні, людство поки що не здатне співіснувати у таких тісних соціальних зв’язках. Базуючись на дослідження провідних світових учених, автор розкриває деструктивний універсальний погляд на світ, який продиктований трьома специфічними чинниками.
У статті також узагальнюються онтологічні та історичні витоки глобального погляду на світ.
The article is devoted to scientific analysis of a «global» in shaping the modern world view. In terms of migration growth, technology communications, global integration and harmonization appears a problem of correct understanding of different cultures and nations. As the current practice of local conflicts, including in Ukrainain case, humanity is not yet able to coexist in such close social ties. Based on the research of leading scientists, the author reveals the universal destructive world view, which is dictated by three specific factors. The article also summarizes the ontological and historical origins of the global world view. Within the framework of the given research was carried out a general analysis of the semantic link between globalism and logocentrism of Western culture, was demonstrated the destructive aspects of universal world view of reality. Logical and historical origins of the global picture of the world were linked to logocentrism of the European thinking, leading its origins back to antiquity. Ontologically-meaning reasons of universal vision of human society based in the construction of a modern human from the being of the world to the view of the world, resulting in the loss «secrets»
ignorance. Based on the R. Robertson’s theoretical study indicated on superficial nature of glocalization. The latter was described as a global phenomenon implantation local and vice versa, where «global» – is only the quintessential unity of values of neoliberalism and it’s products which is still the dominant Western culture. The survey highlighted the fundamental features of globalization that shape contemporary thinking «cosmopolitan": 1) formation of global media; 2) westernization; 3) migration of liberal capitalism. These three attributes in their particular practice field, are the primary factors that shape modern universal picture of the world. Each of these factors is methodological and axiological frame «global» knowledge of mankind. Global media represent the elements of the world. The latter, in turn, in order to be «easy» consumed, displayed in the status message of a single sign, in which the sequence of stories about different regions refund form «one» of the planet, each of which regions is identified based on the attribute extraordinary news.
"Global» only seems general, rather it is partial, that just serves as a illusory understanding of the general. There is a local and global diffusion axiological structure, which leads to particular cultural template identification. In turn capitalist values provide concealment of homogeneity in the surface diversity masses accentuation attention to specific manifestations of discrimination, ignoring at the same time general character discriminated world views in philosophy of globalism. Domination of liberal capitalist values is the second factor «global ecumene». Ideologies neoliberal capitalism can be characterized by «commodition» all spheres of life where each of the elements of the life of any culture can be seen from the standpoint of price and commodity fetishism. In this context, the cult of «success» and «successful man» have deeply taken root in global views, they penetrate into regions of different cultures encouraging conduct set lifestyle of a typical model for the capitalist. The last factor is globalization, homogenization of the world in the form of Westernization. Its essence lies in the fact that the history of individual cultures undergoing expansion model of the western image, which leads to a world adapting to the needs of the model. There, so-called, becoming a «global history», in the area where the international community accepts the only way the sociohistorical movement. The globalization of the world – is at the same time, globalization views. The task of humanity in these difficult times for our understanding, is to perceive «Alien» and «Other» in their authenticity
and identity, not reducing them to partial manifestations of illusory «global» culture.