Цифровий репозитарій
Українського державного університету
імені Михайла Драгоманова

Mental health and social intelligence of students with special educational needs of Ukrainian higher education institutions

ISSN: 2310-8290

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Starynska, Olena
dc.contributor.author Spіvak, Liubov
dc.contributor.author Melnyk, Zhanna
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-30T10:15:14Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-30T10:15:14Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Starynska, O. Mental health and social intelligence of students with special educational needs of Ukrainian higher education institutions / O. Starynska, L. Spivak, Zh. Melnyk // Digital transformation of society : theoretical and applied approaches : Monograph / Edited by M. Wierzbik-Strońska and O. Nestorenko. - Katowice : Publishing House of University of Technology, 2021. - Monograph 46. - P. 35-42. uk
dc.identifier.isbn 978-83-960717-2-9
dc.identifier.uri http://enpuir.npu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/37123
dc.description.abstract The purpose of the scientific research is an empirical study of the mental health and social intelligence of students with special educational needs of Ukrainian higher education institutions. Empirically found that most students have average levels of mental health and psychological well-being and a high level of social well-being. The level of social intelligence of most students is average, which is confirmed by their ability to understand different life situations, nonverbal and verbal behavioral expression and anticipate the behavior of others. Students were identified by a statistically significant direct and strong relationship between mental health and the ability to understand verbal behavioral expression and the ability to anticipate other people’s behavior, as well as between social well-being and the ability to understand verbal behavioral expression and a general indicator of social intelligence; feedback and strong relationship between psychological well-being and the ability to understand nonverbal behavioral expression. uk
dc.language.iso en uk
dc.publisher Katowice: Publishing House of University of Technology uk
dc.subject mental health uk
dc.subject social well-being uk
dc.subject psychological well-being uk
dc.subject social intelligence uk
dc.subject students with special educational needs uk
dc.title Mental health and social intelligence of students with special educational needs of Ukrainian higher education institutions uk
dc.type Monograph/book section uk

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