У статті розглянуто комплекс питань, пов’язаних з реалізацією відбудовної
політики у сфері важкої індустрії України на заключному етапі Другої світової війни
та повоєнні роки. Схарактеризовано підходи керівництва держави до розвитку
раціоналізаторства і винахідництва, відомчих наукових досліджень, як інструменту
інтенсифікації виробництва, оптимізації та вдосконалення організації та прийомів
праці за умов тотального дефіциту кваліфікованої робочої сили, матеріальнотехнічних та фінансових ресурсів.
The article deals with a complex of issues related to the implementation of
rehabilitation policy in the field of Ukraine's heavy industry at the final stage of the Second
World War and post-war years. The approaches of the state leadership to the development of rationalization and invention, departmental scientific research, as an instrument for the intensification of production, optimization and improvement of the organization and labor methods in the conditions of a total shortage of skilled labor, material and technical and financial resources, the invention and testing of new methods of organization of labor, technical devices , mechanisms, improvement of technologies not only gave a tangible economic effect, but also contributed to the modernization of production. Party and trade union bodies in every way stimulated and propagated the movement of innovators and inventors both moral and material resources. In a directive form, the heads of industrial enterprises were obliged to develop rationalization and invention and to report regularly on the results of this work. The movement of rationalizers and inventors allowed many workers, technicians, engineers to identify their abilities, which contributed to the increase of social status and recognition, as well as the material gain in the form of bonuses and other rewards. In addition, he motivated the workers and the ITP to improve their educational and professional level. At the same time, many innovative proposals and inventions have overcome the difficult path of introduction into production due to lack of funds and necessary materials, equipment, aggregates.