У статті аналізуються аграрні проекти українських і польських суспільно-політичних
діячів другої половини ХVІІІ ст., які відстоювали просвітницькі ідеали про рівність кожної людини в громадянських правах і особистій свободі, котрі є їхнім природним правом
The author analyzes the agrarian projects of Ukrainian and Polish public and political figures of the second half of the 18-th century, who upheld the enlightenment ideals of equality of each person in his civil rights and his personal freedom which are his natural right. Especially deep the author analyzes Ya. Koselskiy’s agrarian project who was Ukrainian Kozak authority representative and who handed his project to the Session of
the Legislative Commission for the new code in Russian Empire (1767 – 1768). Ya. Koselskiy proposed a new
concept of productive relations which had to be taken as the basis of social mutual relations.The views on the
agrarian problem of other Ukrainian enlighteners such as H.Poletika, V.Karasin, A.Aleinikov are also considered in this scientific article. The author points out pro and contra in their projects.Besides, the peculiarities of socio economic thought in the society of Polish-Ukrainian nobility of the Right Bank Dnieper Ukraine are also considered in the article. In this connection the analysis of contemporary rebellion appeals «Manifest of Torchyn» (1767) and «Appeal to Peasantry» (1768) is presented. The author specially stresses the research of the projects of such Polish public and political figures as Ya. Zamoisky, A.Sulkovsky, H.Kolontai, S.Stashyts, who were the Deputies of the 4-year Seim (Polish Parliament). First of all they envisaged the decision of the Ukrainian peasantry problem in Polish state. By means of progressive reforms they hoped to save the Polish state which was in a step from its fall at the end of the 18-th century.