У статті здійснено спробу історичної реконструкції обласної управлінської ланки
системи радянських органів репатріації переміщених осіб. Аналізуються питання організації, кадрового забезпечення, функціональної діяльності, фінансування відділів у справах репатріації виконкомів обласних рад Української РСР у 1945–1953 рр
An attempt of historical reconstruction of the regional administrative government branch of repatriation for displaced persons was done. Organization, staffing, financial supporting of executive committee departments for repatriation of the Ukrainian SSR regional councils during 1945-1953 are analyzed. It is emphasized that Regional Repatriation Departments mainly dealed with: reception and registration of repatriated people; support and control of medical and sanitary service of returnees; providing them with financial aid and employability; consideration and resolution of complaints and allegations of repatriated citizens and their relatives; and also organization and control of political and mass activities among returnees and the locals. In
practical activity of Regional Repatriation Departments the authors distinguish two periods. The first period last from June 1945 to June 1947, when the flow of returnees into the territory of the Ukrainian SSR was particularly intense. The second period covers the second half of 1947 – beginning of 1953 and it is characterized by noticeable decline in the intensity of work of Repatriation Departments due to completion of its mass character.