У дисертаційному дослідженні запропоновано новий підхід до зіставного вивчення різномовного жіночого автобіографічного дискурсу; розроблено методику зіставлення персуазивних технік у жіночому автобіографічному дискурсі англійської (американського варіанту), польської та української мов; визначено та охарактеризовано репертуари стратегій і тактик, прийомів і засобів побудови образів риторки, аудиторії й опонента; проаналізовано когнітивносемантичні механізми засобів аргументації в жіночому автобіографічному дискурсі; встановлено типи мовних особистостей автобіографок з увагою до риторичних рис їхньої мовленнєвої поведінки; визначено спільні закономірності та відмінності у принципах побудови жіночого персуазивного дискурсу в англійській, польській та українській мовах.
Диссертация посвящена сопоставительному изучению персуазивных техник, используемых в женском автобиографическом дискурсе в украинском, польском и английском (американский вариант) языках. В исследовании разработана методика прагмариторического анализа автобиографического дискурса, предусматривающая изучение стратегий и тактик, приёмов и средств, с помощью которых женщины-автобиографы создают желаемые образы ритора, аудитории и оппонента. Выявлены и охаракгеризированы репертуары стратегий и тактик, приёмов и средств создания образов ритора, аудитории и оппонента; проанализированы когнитивно-семантические механизмы средств аргументации в женском автобиографическом дискурсе. Определены типы языковых личностей женщин-автобиографов с учетом риторических свойств их речевого поведения. Выявлены общие и различные черты в принципах организации женского персуазивного дискурса в английском, польском и украинском языках.
This thesis compares the discourse of female autobiographies in the American English, Polish, and Ukrainian languages, with a focus on the similarities and differences between various persuasion techniques. The study introduces the methodology for pragma-rhetorical investigation of persuasive discourse which is intended to define strategies and tactics, as well as rhetorical devices and linguistic means used by the authors in order to build the images of the speaker, audience and opponent On the basis of this approach, the typological characteristics are revealed within the linguistic identities of each female writer. Based on the cognitive semantic analysis of conceptual metaphors, this research reveals the genderand ethnic-marked metaphorical concepts. The first chapter clarifies the connections between linguistics and rhetoric by showing how they intersect in the field of discourse analysis. Rhetoric, considered as a “general theory of communication” (J. Kraus), allows for the study of simultaneously different levels of linguistic phenomena: pragmatic, logical, psychological, sociological, aesthetic and interactional. As a result, modem rhetoric is closely bound with linguistic disciplines, such as pragmatics, stylistics, cognitive semantics, text linguistics, theory of communication, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. An autobiographical discourse belongs to the consideration of rhetoric as a persuasive discourse. The second chapter reveals a set of rhetorical strategies, tactics, stylistic devices, and linguistic means used by the autobiographer in order to build the intended images of the speaker, audience and opponent. To create the image of a speaker the female-writer uses strategies of self-presentation, such as ingratiation, self-promotion, exemplification and supplication. At the same time the devices and means which they use to fulfill these strategies varies greatly. For example, M. Angelou lowers her self-image by using selfdeprecating humor. She also presents a personal commitment as a community participant by identifying with her community. On the other hand, 0. Zabuzhko plays a “game on the audience’s feelings” and increases her own image by discrediting others. Unlike the African-American woman, the Ukrainian autobiographer resorts to individualistic self-presentation. The peculiarity of the Polish writer’s language behavior reveals in that she combines strategies of self-presentation and refutation, in particular with tactics, such as discrediting others and creating self-excuses. Thus, M. Gretkowska raises her own image by discrediting opponents or aggressively adjusting their model of the world. To create the image of an audience, the writers use the techniques of identification and “dialogization”: tactics to involve the readers in active participation, as well as tactics of explanation, the pronoun of solidarity “We” and various means for involving the audience (direct addressing, prolepsis, exemplifications, explanations). The image of the opponent is constructed by sets of strategies, such as othering, argumentation, community defending or discrediting others, prosecution and refutation. The third chapter analyses the cognitive structure of argumentation in discourse of female autobiographies, including 1) the repertoire of figures; 2) the conceptual analysis of metaphor; 3) the repertoire of arguments. On the basis of such analysis, the research shows the common features (gender) of the “female” verbal behavior, as well as the peculiarities between African-American, Polish and Ukrainian ethnic styles of argumentation.