У статті розкрито особливості реалізації Концепції розвитку громадянської освіти в Україні у процесі фахової підготовки студентів спеціальності “Початкова освіта”, яка здійснюється за напрямами: розвиток у майбутніх учителів власної громадянської компетентності; підготовка студентів до формування громадянської компетентності в учнів. Проведено теоретичний аналіз джерел із проблеми дослідження, охарактеризовано науково-практичні вектори її втілення у педагогічному досвіді. Зазначено особливості здійснення формальної, неформальної та інформальної громадянської освіти на факультеті педагогіки і психології у НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова. Описано особливості модернізації дисциплін “Основи природознавства та суспільствознавства”, “Методика навчання освітньої галузі “Громадянська та історична””, які безпосередньо реалізують складові Концепції розвитку громадянської освіти в Україні.
The article describes the essence of the concept of "civic competence ", here are given the examples of its formation in the Concept of development of civic education in Ukraine, its structure as a personal formation. Implementation of this Concept in the process of preparing future teachers of primary school in the pedagogical university, provides the following tasks: inclusion in the standards of higher education, in particular, the specialties that provide the qualification of a teacher, civic competencies; theoretical and practical training for the implementation of civic education in the field of formal, informal and informal education; development of new models of education and training, new teaching materials for conducting classes and practical mastering of new training methods in civic education. The specified tasks in the preparation of future specialists in the pedagogical university are implemented through the cycles of disciplines: humanitarian and socio-economic; fundamental, natural sciences; professional and practical training. Their content, forms, methods and means of teaching form a formal component of civic education in the pedagogical university. Non-educational activities of students (volunteering, self-government, etc.) are part of informational and informal civic education.
The main emphasis in formal civic education on the training of the future teacher is done on the reorientation of classes at lectures and practical classes with the elements of trainings. The most common types of work are exercises from all groups of interactive teaching methods: cooperative - learning in rotational pairs, work in small groups; collective-group - discussion of the problem in the general circle, unfinished sentences, brainstorming; situational simulation - playing situations by roles; processing of discussion issues - "take the position", continuous scale of thoughts, discussion. The result of work on the implementation of the Concept of Development of Civic Education in the process of preparing future teachers of primary school is to master students: 1) knowledge of the nature and features of the activities of social institutions, processes and structures in society; 2) knowledge of the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens in a democratic society; 3) knowledge and ideas of man about himself, perceiving himself as a social subject, etc .; 4) knowledge of universal norms and values, as well as norms (habits, customs, traditions, laws, etc.) in various spheres and branches of social life - national, political, religious, economic, spiritual, etc.; 5) abilities and skills of effective social interaction (possession of verbal and non-verbal means of communication, mechanisms of mutual understanding in the process of communication); 6) the ability to collect content rationally, forms, methods and methodical techniques for the formation of civic and social competences in junior pupils in the integrated subject "I explore the world".