The research is devoted to the creation and substantiation of the original concept
of the consolidation model of national identity. It is argued that identity is a multidimensional and systemic phenomenon and an interdisciplinary problem. It is traditionally considered in a number of scientific approaches: primordialism, social constructivism and a variety of the latter - instrumentalism. Although domestic science is dominated by "primordialism", which forms a view of identity as a product of social interaction, a complex socio-cultural phenomenon formed evolutionarily in the process of socialization and exchange of cultural values, advocates the involvement of both approaches in constructing identity, as constructivism allows more – with the involvement of more and more members and social groups. A hierarchy of identities is built, in particular, in the form of certain orbitals according to the degree of relevance for the person. In the context of defining national identity, its correlation with the related
identities, in particular, ethnic, civil, state (state), is defended. It is argued that
national identity is the broadest concept, which includes both ethnic and civic
components, which are formed within the evolution of the community, at different
historical moments comes to the fore one way or another. The phenomenon of historical memory and its main types are studied. Historical memory serves as a basis for the longevity of national identity. The latter is evidenced by the historical models of national identity analyzed in the work, presented by the German, Russian and Chinese versions. The historical features of the formation of national identity in Ukraine are revealed. It is argued that it is important to develop a model of memory policy that implements an integrative function to unite society. The main mechanism of consolidation of the Ukrainian political nation is its understanding as an open polyethnic community, where the Ukrainian ethnic group as a meaning-maker united and involved all other ethnic groups in Ukraine to
cooperate in one state. The outlined policy is especially important in places of compact residence of ethnic minorities (in particular, Donetsk, Luhansk, Chernivtsi, Zakarpattia and Odesa regions, Crimea). Speaking about the factors and subjects of formation of the consolidation model of identity in Ukraine, it should be noted that these two phenomena sometimes overlap. For example, the nation-state and civil society can be both a factor, a subject, and an object of influence for each other. Among the factors are the state language, national idea and so on. A special place is occupied by the national idea, the content of which was formed historically, but also has a modern dimension, due to new tasks for its approval. And the subjects of national consolidation of society should also
include the political nation, political elites and political leaders, political parties, the
Ukrainian intelligentsia, scientists, etc. Among the problems that hinder or catalyze conflicts and identity crises in Ukrainian society are the lack of consensus on basic concepts that shape the range of problems around national identity, value heterogeneity on key issues, including attitudes to the Soviet heritage, geopolitical vectors, stereotypes and mythology. At the same time, among the positives is the attempt of the political elite to
overcome the outlined contradictions, as evidenced, in particular, by a number of
legal documents on the problems of consolidation, formation of national culture and national identity in Ukraine.
Исследование посвящено созданию и обоснованию оригинальной концепции консолидационной модели национальной идентичности. Политическая консолидация представляется как процесс интеграции общества и его политической системы вокруг наиважнейших общественных ценностей, которые воплощены, прежде всего, в соответствующих социальных иполитических институтах. Выявлены сущностные связи между политической модернизацией, становлением национальной идентичности и обретением суверенитета государствами на демократических основах. Очерчены основные пути и механизмы формирования современной консолидационной модели национальной идентичности, факторы и субъекты такого формирования, а также поточные проблемы, перспективы формирования консолидационной модели национальной идентичности в Украине.
Дослідження присвячено створенню та обґрунтуванню оригінальної концепції консолідаційної моделі національної ідентичності. Політична консолідація постає як процес інтеграції суспільства та його політичної системи довкола найважливіших суспільних цінностей, які втілені, передусім, у відповідних соціальних і політичних інститутах. Виявлено сутнісні зв’язки між політичною модернізацією, становленням
національної ідентичності та здобуттям суверенітету державами на демократичних засадах. Окреслені основні шляхи та механізми формування сучасної консолідаційної моделі національної ідентичності в українському суспільстві, чинники та суб’єкти такого формування, а також його поточні проблеми, перспективи формування консолідаційної моделі національної ідентичності в Україні