Дисертація присвячена теоретично-експериментальному дослідженню проблеми розвитку метро-ритмічного чуття майбутніх учителів музики в процесі фахової підготовки (ансамблі українських народних інструментів); здійснено системний аналіз професійної підготовки такого фахівця; розглянуто специфіку роботи керівника народно-інструментального колективу; розроблено й експериментально перевірено педагогічні умови розвитку метро-ритмічного чуття майбутнього вчителя музики, яка ґрунтується у всебічному розвитку музичних здібностей виконавців-ансамблістів та творчій індивідуальності керівника колективу.
Розроблено і обґрунтовано критерії та показники оцінки розвитку метро-ритмічного чуття майбутніх вчителів музики під час музикування в ансамблевому колективі, рівень розвитку яких визначається трьома рівнями (високий, середній і низький). Під час проведення констатувального експерименту використано теоретичні, емпіричні, статистичні методи. Шляхом
об’єднання науково-теоретичного дослідження та музично-педагогічного досвіду обґрунтовано педагогічні умови розвитку метро-ритмічного чуття у ансамблі українських народних інструментів студентів закладів вищої освіти як майбутніх вчителів музики.
У ході дослідження встановлено, що основою запропонованої моделі розвитку метро-ритмічного чуття є новітні підходи підготовки студентів музично-педагогічного спрямування, ефективне стимулювання професійної мотивації і врахування у освітньому процесі специфіки майбутньої діяльності вчителя музики.
The thesis is dedicated to the theoretical and experimental research on the problems of the development of metro-rhythmic art of music students in the ensemble of Ukrainian folk instruments. The urgency of the development of the rhythmic miraculous students as future students of music is as follows: 1) the development of underground students in the ensemble environment for the formation of performing musical abilities; 2) mastering the methods of working with the musical text (forms of work: reading, understanding, completion of execution) with an international pedagogical organization, professional leader of the ensemble collective.
The notion of sense of rhythm is formulated as a complex of sensations characterized by a high level of work of mental functions. This concept is considered as a multilevel ability, which is based on the motor and emotional nature of human, embodied in the biological and musical notions of rhythm.
The method of development of metro-rhythmic sense of the future music teachers in the ensemble of Ukrainian folk instruments belongs to the direction of methodological and educational work aimed at forming creative potential of the person, musical-professional qualities, musical-performing abilities.
The structure of the proposed method of developing metro-rhythmic senses in the ensemble of folk instruments consists of the target, cognitive and procedural components. The target component is aimed at students' awareness of the educational tasks in folk instrument ensemble, namely: the formation of ensemble performance metro-rhythmic senses; possession of methods of work with musical text; understanding of the importance of raising the metro-rhythmic senses for future music teachers in the conditions of the ensemble of folk instruments. The cognitive
component reflects the degree of knowledge of the student associated with the formation of metro-rhythmic senses. The process component provides the level of development of metro-rhythmic sense of students, which is expressed in such indicators as: individual musical-rhythmic sense of the student (sense of rhythm, meter, tempo); ensemble of musical-rhythmic senses; possession of methods for overcoming the difficulties of performing metro-rhythmic constructions in the ensemble.
The pedagogical conditions of the development of the metro-rhythmic sense of the future music teachers in the ensemble of Ukrainian folk instruments are expressed in the following directions: personal (subject-subject interaction of the teacher and the student, the authority of the teacher, the leader of the ensemble as his own example for the formation of the personal qualities of future teachers of musical art); meaningful (students' awareness of the content and tasks of the ensemble collective work and the role of development of musical-rhythmic sense of ensembles); methodological and technological (using forms and methods that stimulate the development of metro-rhythmic senses, the combination of collective, group and individual forms of organization of the educational process); propaedeutic (ensuring the effectiveness of the process of preparing a student for independent professional activity, musical and creative use of methods of developing metro-rhythmic senses in future professional activities).
The efficiency of development of metro-rhythmic sense of the future teacher of music in the process of classes in the ensemble of Ukrainian folk instruments is proved, provided the author's technique is introduced, which ensures the dynamics of the levels of the studied formation from low to high. This technique covers three stages: procedural, formed from I of three large blocks (I - reading from the text, II - learning, III - concert performance); cognitive, which is aimed at assimilating the musical-theoretical, ensemble-orchestral, musical-performing concepts; the target, which involves finding new ideas, the formation of musical and pedagogical views, updating methodological knowledge on the resolution of musical organizational and creative tasks.
The practical result of the implementation of the developed and tested methodical model of the development of metro-rhythmic sense of future music teachers in the ensemble of Ukrainian folk instruments is the positive dynamics of growth of all structural components of the studied pedagogical phenomenon, which gives grounds to assert about the perspective, the professionalism of its application for increasing the efficiency of training future professionals - teachers music in the system of higher musical-pedagogical education.