Теоретично обгрунтовано методичні засади контролю на підставі конкретизації уявлень про структуру пізнавальної діяльності студентів і рівні засвоєння навчального матеріалу з загальної фізики. Зазначено, що послідовний контроль усіх рівнів засвоєння дає змогу їм зрозуміти логіку пізнавального процесу та надалі контролювати його самостійно. Розвинуто технологію створення комп'ютерних програм для контролю даної діяльності студентів з загальної фізики. Згідно з цими програмами, студент одержує доступ до контролю наступного етапу пізнавальної діяльності тільки після повного виконання завдань попереднього. Розвинуто технологію вдосконалення засобів навчання та контролю на підставі аналізу результатів контролю пізнавальної діяльності студентів з загальної фізики.
Method basis of the control of students’ cognitive activity during general physics study in conditions of the credit-based modular system are scientifically founded in the Ph.D. thesis. Recent changes in Ukrainian higher education are caused by its joining Bologna process, democratic transformations in the country, and fast technical development. It has an influence on higher education object. So, first of all, the aims of general physics study was determined in view of a modern paradigm of higher education. Shortcomings of the traditional control of general physics knowledge are revealed and generalized for the avoidance of their repetition in working up of the innovative method basis. In a general way, traditional study came to formal information storage; its typical flaw was inability of students to see interconnections between physical magnitudes, to draw a conclusion, to know about limits of application of physical laws and theories.
One of the main tasks during general physics study is to make possible further self-education of the students in physics to ensure progress in professional occupation and accommodation to fast technical and informational development. However, it is impossible without the habit and skill of self-control. Therefore, aim of physics study is not merely impart knowledge of physics laws and phenomena to students but equip them with knowledge of essential principles of independent mastering of physics. Awareness in new trends in pedagogics, psychology, social psychology, and philosophy is necessary to make the aim possible.
Control actions are considered as an element of a feedback in educational process. As the foundation, it is offered system of complex estimation, for this purpose levels of difficulty of a material and sequence of its studying are determined. It provides regular estimation of the students’ knowledge, allows correcting a course of educational process, optimizing the contents of modules. Moreover, it gets ready students for the further independent mastering of the physical information accustoming them to self-checking. Means and technologies of the control as harmonious components of an integral education-methodical complex of faculty of the general physics are created. Leading role in the complex is featured for a set of manuals of physics for credit-based modular system, which are developed in accordance with a unified model. The manuals contain means of control; it can be used for self-education.
In particular, there are developed physics problems to help understanding interconnections between physical magnitudes, to see where cause and its effect are in a physics process. Concluding module control takes place in writing form, it requires intelligible question setting. Principles of question construction where the main problem is assigned in clear understandable form are elaborated for that. Potentialities of computer using for speeding-up and lightening of control of physics study efficiency were exploiting, students were attracted to the work. Find the ways to get students to take part in physics study as enjoying and proactive participant of the process was one of principal points of the investigation.
Interactions with students during control accomplishment were considered as means for regular improving and modernization of education-methodical complex.
Pedagogical experiment and its data processing have shown statistical regularity and significance of improving physics study in technical higher school. The results where approbated at the scientific-and-practical conferences and presented in articles.