Короткий опис(реферат):
Discussions about the exact sciences dominate education
these days, with a lot of emphasis on teaching STEM disciplines.
Because of this, teachers of other subjects, such as art or history, felt
a little left out when talking about how to properly prepare students
for future careers. However, there is even less attention is paid to the
soft skills that students need to succeed after they graduate and work.
The classes designed specifically for soft skills are the rare occurrence,
but that does not mean these skills are not important. This
determines the relevance of this paper. The purpose of the paper was
to highlight the necessary soft skills for future specialists in musical
or artistic disciplines, as well as to trace their differences with hard
skills. The key research method was the analysis of theoretical
materials and the development of general soft skills, which are
necessary for the training of teachers of musical art, and the
development of which is important for teachers to pay attention to.
Teachers will not always have time to plan classes that perfectly combine hard and interpersonal skills. However, once a few key
actions have been identified, it is possible to adapt the new lessons to
integrate those same actions into future lessons. This will help reduce
preparation time while creating complex activities that will help
students not only improve their knowledge of content but also their
ability to apply that knowledge in the future workplace.