Здійснено дослідження теоретичного та методичного обґрунтування
освітнього процесу формування комунікативних компетентностей зв’язку в
професійній підготовці менеджерів. Обґрунтовано, розроблено та експериментально
верифіковано модель формування комунікативних компетентностей зв’язку в
майбутніх менеджерів у ЗВО за організаційно-педагогічних умов – сприятливого
ІКТ-середовища студентоцентрованого навчання портативних освітніх програм,
наукових та соціальних сервісів, гармонізації сфери освіти, науки й інноватики та
системи управління якістю в ЗВО засобами технічного регулювання. Уточнено
понятійно-категоріальний апарат, що належить до наукового тезаурусу та
вокабуляру інформаційної безпеки у сфері освіти, науки й інноватики, зміст понять:
«професійна компетентність», «соціальна компетентність», «комунікативна
компетентність», «комунікативна компетентність зв’язку», «інформаційно-
комунікаційна безпека соціокультурних форм організації адмінуправління
професійної підготовки менеджерів». Обґрунтовано зміст та структуру
комунікативних компетентностей зв’язку в майбутніх менеджерів, яка систематизує
комплекс якостей, здібностей, здатностей, готовності, сформованості,
спроможностей та відповідальності за професійну діяльність та розвиток зайнятості
впродовж життя, критерії (комунікаційно-мотиваційний, партисипативно-
конативний та інформаційно-ноосферний) та рівні (середній, достатній, високий)
сформованості комунікативної компетентності зв’язку в майбутніх менеджерів у
ЗВО. Удосконалено освітньо-змістові модулі дисциплін для майбутніх менеджерів –
менеджменту та освітньої політики, методології наукового дослідження та навчання
професійно-орієнтованих, фахових та спеціальних дисциплін; форми, методи та
засоби за організацією навчально-науково-пізнавальної діяльності та місцем
дислокації зі дидактичною метою. Подальшого розвитку набули методичні
рекомендації щодо професійної підготовки менеджерів з комунікативними
компетентностями зв’язку в ЗВО.
The research objective has been clarified, it being the theoretical and
methodological substantiation for the educational process of forming future managers’
communicative competence of contact in institutions of higher education. The academic
novelty of this dissertation is as follows: a model of forming future managers’
communicative competence of contact in institutions of higher education within the
synergy of subsystems (functional-targeted, content-methodological, organizationaltechnological
and relevant) has been justified, developed and verified by experiment for
the first time; organizational and pedagogical conditions in forming communicative
competence of contact have been discovered – a favourable informational, communicative
and technological student-oriented environment of learning that involves portable
educational programmes, scientific and social services; harmonization of education,
science and innovation studies; a quality management system for institutions of higher
education that includes technical means of regulation based on the current education
policies; a concretized tree of objectives to ensure informational and communicative
sovereignty in connections between sociocultural forms of administration applied to
professional training of managers in institutions of higher education. The conceptual and
categorial framework that belongs to the scientific thesaurus and vocabulary related to
information security in the field of education, science and innovation theory for
exploration of future managers’ communicative competence of contact in institutions of
higher education has been clarified and improved; similarly, the meaning of such notions
as “competence,” “professional competence,” “social competence,” “communicative
competence,” “communicative competence of contact,” “information and communication
security for sociocultural forms of organizing administrative management in professional
training of managers”; criteria – communicative-motivational, participative-conative,
informational-noospheric, and levels – medium, sufficient, high – to characterize
formedness of future managers’ communicative competence of contact in institutions of
higher education; educational/content-based modules of academic subjects for future
managers – in management and education policies, methodology of research and teaching
of vocational, core and special subjects; forms, methods and means to organize
educational, scientific and cognitive activities with deployment according to the didactic
goals. Methodical recommendations for professional training of managers with
communicative competence of contact in institutions of higher education have been further
developed. The practical importance of the research results lies in development and
implementation of the following: informational-technological and educational-methodical
support for the educational/content-based module of academic subjects has been
developed – technical regulation of information management in institutions of higher
education, information and communication technologies in the field of education, science
and innovation theory; a methodology of teaching special and vocational subjects for
information and communication aspects of organizing the process of professional training
has been implemented; a methodology for organizing the process of education –
management skills in the fields 07. Management and administration (073 Management by
curriculum “Management for Infocommunications”), 12. Information technologies
(123. Computer engineering and 172. Telecommunications and radio technology) has been
concretized; information and telecommunication platforms for network-based organization
of subject-subject and subject-object interaction between education providers and
applicants, stakeholders and public have been systematized.
The introduction provides justification for the relevance and feasibility of the
dissertation paper, highlights its relation to curricula, plans and topics, defines its aim,
objectives, object and subject, formulates methods of research, reveals the academic
novelty, theoretical and practical importance of the paper, describes the applicant’s
personal contribution to the previous co-authored works, provides information on the
approbation of the research, implementation of its results and other publications, and
presents the structure and size of the dissertation. The first chapter “Methodological
substantiation for shaping communicative competence of contact in future managers as a
pedagogical problem” substantiates the normative legal and technical regulation of
information security and guarantees to access information data, as well as the conceptual
and categorial framework for exploration of communicative competences in the conditions
of Bologna Process. It also analyses practical experience of communicative interaction
taking place in the circumstances of transboundary modernization and global risks in
transformation of professional training systems. The second chapter “Informational and
methodological support for organizing the educational process of forming communicative
competence of future managers in institutions of higher education” develops scientific and
methodological support for professional training of future managers, substantiates the
informational-analytical basis for organizing socio-cultural forms of professional training
of future managers and administrative-communicative regulation of academic potential in
institutions of higher education. The third chapter “Development and verification of the
designed model of forming future managers’ communicative competence in institutions of
higher education” provides theoretical justification and designs a model of forming future
managers’ communicative competence of contact in institutions of higher education; it
also proves effectiveness of the methodology suggested for informational-analytical
organization of socio-cultural forms of professional training for future managers, with
expert assessment of the designed model.