У дисертації обґрунтовано теоретичні та методичні засади проблемного
аксіологічного аналізу потенціалу наукових шкіл менеджеризму, що сприяли
формуванню професійної підготовки майбутніх менеджерів; розроблено та
обґрунтовано модель формування професійної компетентності безпеки
майбутніх менеджерів у закладах вищої освіти; структуру їх професійної
компетентності, визначено критерії (акмеологічно-мотиваційний, аксіологічно-
когнітивний та дивергентний), показники та схарактеризовано рівні її
сформованості у розроблених організаційно-педагогічних умовах – безпека
організації освітнього процесу у ЗВО, стратегії педагогічної інноватики та
безпеки національного суверенітету України за галузями. Удосконалено та
конкретизовано класифікаційні ознаки семантики формування професійної
компетентності безпеки менеджерів на основі методів аналогій, екстраполяцій
та імітацій полікритеріального вибору в системному управлінні ЗВО; ризики
системного характеру організації освітнього процесу у ЗВО. Сформульовано
поняття «діпло-підготовка майбутніх менеджерів» як системи професійної
підготовки управлінських кадрів. Обґрунтовано, розроблено та верифіковано за
експертною системою анкетування та бального оцінювання ефективність
моделі формування професійної компетентності безпеки у майбутніх
менеджерів у ЗВО. Подальшого розвитку набули методологічні положення
змістового наповнення та науково-методичного забезпечення діпло-підготовки
майбутніх менеджерів з професійними компетентностями безпеки у ЗВО.
Сформовано навчально-методичне забезпечення змістового наповнення
проблемно-інтегрованого модуля «Управління безпекою соціокультурних форм
організації освітнього процесу ЗВО», а саме акмеологічною, соціальною,
екологічною, економічною, академічною, воєнною, кібер-безпекою,
політичною стратегією національної безпеки держави; розроблено навчально-
методичне забезпечення для галузі знань 07 Управління та адміністрування,
спеціальності 073 Менеджмент.
This dissertation paper performs a problematic-axiological analysis of
theoretical and methodical substantiation for main foundations of a national security
strategy in order to state the necessity for implementing the definitions of “strategy,”
“strategic planning and forecasting,” “ensuring national security” into the educational
process of future specialists’ professional training. Classification features for
semantics of forming professional competence of security in future managers have
been established, and the structure of professional competence of security for future
managers in HEIs has been substantiated, in systemic- administrative components of
quality, security and protection of dignity for the graduate student as a social agent
for guarantees of national interests, which provides for important qualities of a
manager, in particular: active citizenship and social activism of noospheric views
and biogeospheric responsibility, analytical intellectual potential, intensive absorption
of large volumes of specific information of security-related nature and keeping it
private, dedicated working capacity, business communication without affecting the
information field in terms of quality and security, performance discipline, hedonism
and lust for life, proactiveness in innovation, communicability, multimodal
managerialism, organized nature and forceful perseverance, ability to compensate
stress, futuristic intuitivity and optimism in positive modelling of effective results,
vigorous purposefulness and dedication to national ideals of independence; for
emergency and administrative abilities, in particular: organizational and securityrelated,
administrative and managerial, self-management, systemic and analytic
thinking, worldview, strategic partnership, ability to convince others, management
and marketing of scientific and educational services, psychological and pedagogical,
creative and conative perception of reality, communicative abilities of safeguarding
(personal and corporate, in interaction); skill and abilities to choose, justify and
develop ways, mechanisms and methods to manage quality and security of
architectonic structure of sociocultural forms at various levels, for an intended
purpose and in types of system administration, diplomatic management, crisis
management, conflict management of security interests, informational and
communicative management in access to public information and its promulgation,
and steadfastness in preservation of secret information, management and quality
assurance in organization of educational process, content, event and intent analysis,
assessment of relevance and recognition of academic achievements, methods of
expert story-telling, prognostics and modelling, systemic analysis of the quality of
environmental components and civilization development, logistics, entrepreneurship,
organization of dealer networks to establish demand for services and scientific
products, drawing commercial proposals, advertising, ensuring document support and
preparing agreements, social intercourse and time management; readiness for
professional strategic and managerial, scientific and cognitive, ecosystemic and
security-related, social and protective, legal protection, design and engineering
tactical, production and technological, supervisory and controlling, expert and
analytical, normative-technical-regulatory, qualitologic, and educational tasks in the
field of security and quality management based on a strategy of sustainable
development; formedness of professional competence of security in methodology of
scientific knowledge and teaching professionally-oriented, vocational and special
subjects in the field of security and its management in cross-border, national, regional
and local dimensions of institutional and personal interaction.
We have developed and scientifically substantiated a model of forming
professional competence of security for future managers in HEIs which is based on
methodological approaches and principles, as well as on approaches and principles of
organizing educational process of diplomatic training, meant to satisfy the sociopolitical
demand for highly qualified administrators; it has been designed in various
types of contents – target (it unites the strategic goal of security management and the
goal of professional training), conditional (it assimilates functionally the systemic,
multi-profile and target orientation in various kinds of security – acmeological,
academic, social, environmental, economic, institutional, political, military,
cybersecurity, national security of the state, and protection of its sovereignty),
semantic (it systematizes the function of security management by the scale of
distribution, by the level of hierarchy in implementation, by the goal, by the field of
monitoring the security status; by priority level of stratagems and organization of
educational process – overall-management and special), methodical (the tripartite
complex of methods – ensuring educational-research-cognitive and practicalinternship
activity – by the source of information, by the level of creativity, by the
logic of cognition, monitoring and self-control; means – support for educational
process of professional training – spatial-metric; technological, technical,
methodological and technical-regulatory; synchronized forms – organization of
educational process – individual-personalized, of general-group and micro-group
selection; location sites – educational, scientific and research, ICT networks for
interaction with the public and external partners, practical-internship of targeted
didactics, standardized – traditional, mixed, network, remote (distance), mobile),
relevant (criteria, levels and indicators to identify formedness of future managers’
professional competence of security in HEIs) in determined organizationalpedagogical
conditions. We have determined criteria (acmeological-motivational,
axiological-cognitive, and divergent) and indicators, and characterized levels in
formedness of professional competence of security in future managers in HEIs as
observed in developed organizational-pedagogical conditions – security of organizing
educational process in HEIs, strategies of pedagogical innovation theory and of
Ukraine’s national sovereignty by branches.