Дисертацію присвячено комплексному аналізові політичних цінностей та
їх трансформації в умовах постмодерну. Визначено тенденції, особливості та
умови існування постмодерну як сучасної епохи, на основі яких запропоновано
авторське визначення постмодерних політичних цінностей. Розглянуто їхню
трансформацію у рамках постмодернізму як комплексу змін у межах суспільної
та політичної свідомості, на яку вплинули чинники глобалізації, плюралізму,
індивідуалізму з одночасним розширенням прав і свобод людини на тлі
глобальних безпекової, екологічної, економічної та політичної кризи.
Охарактеризований зв’язок між універсальними та національними системами
цінностей, на основі яких був здійснений аналіз західних та незахідних
політичних цінностей та визначений життєздатний потенціал останніх як
постмодерної альтернативи. Обґрунтовано амбівалентність постмодерних
політичних цінностей та розглянуто межі та умови подвійності системи
цінностей сучасної України.
Диссертация посвящена комплексному анализу политических ценностей,
а также их трансформации в условиях постмодерна. Определены тенденции,
особенности и условия существования постмодерна как современной эпохи, на
основе которых предложено авторское определения постмодерных
политических ценностей. Рассмотрено их трансформацию в рамках
постмодернизма как комплекса изменений в пределах общественного и
политического сознания, на которую повлияли факторы глобализации,
распространения плюрализма, индивидуализма с одновременным расширением
прав и свобод человека на фоне глобального кризиса в сфере безопасности,
экологии, экономики и политики. Характеризирована связь между
универсальными и национальными системами ценностей, на основе которых
был осуществлѐн анализ западных и незападных политических ценностей и
определѐн жизнеспособный потенциал последних как постмодерной
альтернативы. Обоснована амбивалентность постмодерных политических
ценностей, а также рассмотрены границы и условия двойственности системы
ценностей современной Украины.
The dissertation is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of political values and
their transformation in the postmodern environment. The main trends and features of
postmodern as a modern epoch and its influence on the change of socio-political
values and world politics are examined. On the basis of modern understanding of
postmodern, the attempt has been made to study the nature of political values, their
transformation, distribution conditions. The relationship between universal and
national systems of political values are characterized, and therefore Western and nonWestern values in politics are comprehended. Special attention is paid to the state and
prospects of development of democratic values of modern Ukraine in the context of
its European integration strategy.
The problem political value transformation in the postmodern environment is
considered as a set of changes within the social and political consciousness, which
was influenced by the revision of economic, social, interpersonal relations, the social
structure itself under the influence of globalization, the spread of pluralism,
individualism with the simultaneous expansion of human rights and freedoms,
expressed pacifism and humanity against the background of global security,
environmental, economic and political crises. The author`s definition of postmodern
political values is offered as the most objectified, suprapersonal, socio-political
phenomena of neutral character, embodied in ideas, ideals, norms and needs
prevailing in politics, having an ambivalent character and acquiring the appropriate
constructive or destructive potential, which depends on moral norms of their bearers
and means of their embodiment, on the basis of which the political life of society is
carried out and acquires its significance. The peculiarities of the postmodern value
basis of political reality are determined and the features of political values of the
corresponding era are distinguished.
The thesis on the ambivalence of political values, which are determined by the
prevailing moral and ethical norms of a certain community is comprehended. It is
noted that values have both constructive and destructive potential, and the variability
of their understanding by the subject of politics depends on his or her own interests,
needs, moral attitudes, ideal and norms. It is argued that in the postmodern conditions
political values are of a dual nature, which is manifested in the changes occurring in
the relation to the most value hierarchies and within their constituents. The
boundaries and conditions of the dualistic nature of the value system of modern
Ukraine are revealed on the basis of its mental, worldview, historical, geopolitical
characteristics. The correlation of basic and universal political values is analyzed,
which are increasingly converging in the conditions of postmodern and globalization
process. The features of Western and non-Western political values and their viable
potential have been outlined on the basis of the analysis of relevant political systems.
The state and problems of development of political values of modern Ukraine are
investigated in the context of their postmodern transformation. The reasons and signs
of existence of the dual value system in Ukrainian society are determined. The
possibilities of overcoming the value split and prospects of consolidation of
Ukrainian society in the context of hybrid war and geopolitical definition around
common political values are analyzed. Peculiarities of functioning and realization of
political values, taking into account their transformational potential can become a
basis for further scientific and analytical research, as well as be implemented in the
practical activities of statesmen, politicians, political experts and at the level of civil