Вперше запропоновано методичні засади інтеграції традиційного та
дистанційного навчання для забезпечення діяльнісного підходу у формуванні
експериментаторських умінь учнів в процесі реалізації змісту фізичного
компоненту освітньої галузі «Природознавство» у закладах загальної середньої
освіти ІІ–ІІІ ступенів. Вперше запропоновано систему прийомів мобільного
навчання, яка орієнтована на різні форми діяльності учнів та види технічного
оснащення і ґрунтується на концепції BYOD, що передбачає пріоритет
використання особистих мобільних пристроїв учнів. Вперше запропоновано
використання мобільних додатків і цифрового вимірювального комп’ютерного
комплексу як засобів формування методологічних знань учнів,
експериментаторських і дослідницьких умінь в умовах змішаного навчання.
Вперше запропоновано структуру та зміст навчально-методичного
комплекту «Навчальний фізичний експеримент у хмаро орієнтованому
освітньому середовищі», що представлений у вигляді web-сайту «Прикладна
фізика: експериментуємо та досліджуємо»
(https://sites.google.com/view/interestingphysics2020/%authuser=), для
підвищення інтересу до вивчення фізики та розвитку навичок самоосвіти, з
урахуванням індивідуальних психолого-фізіологічних особливостей учнів.
Впервые предложены методические основы интеграции традиционного и
дистанционного обучения для обеспечения деятельностного подхода в
процессе формирования экспериментаторских умений учащихся в процессе
реализации содержания физического компонента образования
«Естествознание» в учреждениях среднего образования II-III степеней. Впервые
предложена система приемов мобильного обучения, ориентированная на
различные формы деятельности учащихся и виды технического оснащения,
которая основывается на концепции BYOD, что предполагает приоритет
использования личных мобильных устройств учеников. Впервые предложено
использование мобильных приложений и цифрового измерительного
компьютерного комплекса как средства формирования методологических
знаний учащихся, экспериментаторских и исследовательских умений в
условиях смешанного обучения. Впервые предложена структура и содержание учебно-методического
комплекта «Учебный физический эксперимент в облачно ориентированной
образовательной среде», который представлен в виде web-сайта «Прикладная
физика: экспериментируем и исследуем»
(https://sites.google.com/view/interestingphysics2020/%authuser=), для повышения
интереса к изучению физики и развития навыков самообразования, с учетом
индивидуальных психолого-физиологических особенностей учащихся.
For the first time, methodological foundations for the integration of traditional
and distance learning were proposed to ensure an activity approach in the formation
of experimental skills of students in the process of implementing the content of
physical component of education "Natural Science" in secondary educational
institutions of II-III degrees. The genesis of the approaches formation in organization
and conduct of an educational physical experiment was given. It has been found that
the development of information technologies and teaching aids stimulates scientists
and methodologists to develop and test new techniques and methods for the
formation of experimental skills of students, based on the integration of traditional
and innovative approaches to organizing and conducting an educational physical
experiment. The social and personal relations of the subjects of modern educational
space (teachers and students) in secondary education are described. It was found that
personal value attitudes significantly affect the quality of education, effectiveness and
quality of knowledge and its relationship to professional activities. A number of
trends in the formation of psychological characteristics of generation Z students are
highlighted, some recommendations are given to modern teachers to build an
adequate learning style for students of this generation and focus on those that are
important for our study. It is determined that the most tested model to date is blended
learning. The main terms and concepts that will be used to describe the
implementation of distance learning technology are specified. Important features of
distance learning are highlighted: flexibility, modular principle, modification of
teacher functions, forms of interaction between students and teachers, specifics of
control forms, etc. It has been found that mobile devices are currently the most
common type of computer. Some interpretations of the "mobile learning" concept
advantages and difficulties during its implementation in school practice are given.
Technologies and methods of implementation of mobile learning technology in the
educational process in physics are distinguished: BYOD technology (Bring your own
device), methods of using mobile phone sensors and mobile applications.
For the first time was offered a system of mobile learning techniques, which is
focused on various forms of student activities and types of technical equipment and is
based on the BYOD concept, which implies the priority of using students' personal
mobile devices. For the first time the use of mobile applications and a digital
measuring computer complex was proposed as a means of forming methodological
knowledge of students, experimental and research skills in a blended learning
environment. There were analyzed and carefully selected software tools based on the
requirements of technological principles for building a system of mobile learning
techniques in terms of ensuring the uniformity of storage formats, instrumental
independence and cross-platform, as well as from the standpoint of solving problems
of an educational physical experiment in teaching physics, in particular: mobile
applications Lab4Physics, Phyphox, Smart ToolKit, Sensors, Electronics For Kids,
VoltLab, Kahoot! Cloud services, Quizizz, Plickers, Eddpazzle. A detailed
description of the didactic capabilities of mobile sensors (accelerometer,
magnetometer, light sensor, barometer, pedometer, gyroscope, etc.) and mobile
applications for teaching physics, in particular in the system of tools for student experimental research were provided. It was proposed to perform individual and
group physical experiments based on the use of the Lab4Physics mobile application.
Instructional materials were developed for the study of uniform and uniformly
variable motions, as well as for conducting experimental research during the study of
the section “Movement and interaction. Conservation laws. Instructive and
methodological materials for conducting physical experiments were adapted to
update the Lab4Physics mobile application. For the first time organizational and
methodological conditions for the integration of traditional and distance learning
were proposed for the formation of experimental skills of students. It was found that
the preparation of materials for distance learning requires the fulfillment of a number
of conditions: motivation, a clear statement of the educational goal, the creation of
prerequisites for the perception of the educational material, compliance with the
ergonomic requirements of the presentation of educational material in electronic
form, clear feedback, selection of software tools for assessing the educational
achievements of students. Methodological toolkit for using digital measuring
computer complex for the formation of methodological knowledge of students,
experimental and research skills was proposed for the first time Methodological
techniques for using video of short-term experiments in distance learning were
offered and adapted.
For the first time the structure and content of the educational-methodological set
"Educational physical experiment in the cloud oriented educational environment" was
proposed, which is presented in the form of a website "Applied Physics:
Experimenting and Researching"
(https://sites.google.com/view/interestingphysics2020/%authuser=), to increase
interest in the study of physics and the development of self-education skills, taking
into account individual psychological and physiological characteristics of students.