У дисертаційному досліджені виявлено, теоретично обґрунтовано та експериментально перевірено методику визначення індивідуальної рухової активності студентів у процесі фізичного виховання на основі урахування індивідуально-типологічних особливостей, психофізичного розвитку та фізкультурно-спортивних інтересів, яка базується на використанні сучасних інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, діагностики вимірювання, кореляційного та регресійного аналізів.
Виявлено взаємозв’язок рухової активності здобувачів вищої освіти з показниками фізичного здоров’я, статево-віковими, морфофункціональними та психічними особливостями організму, запропоновано критерії оцінювання індивідуальної рухової активності, розроблено та впроваджено в освітній процес комп’ютерну програму «Activity for health», що відображає процес визначення індивідуальної рухової активності, створення індивідуальної програми заняття, аналізу й корегування результатів практичної діяльності за допомогою сучасних інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, програмного забезпечення, автоматизованих систем управління. Подальшого розвитку набуло використання сучасних інфокомунікаційних технологій визначення рухової активності студентів у процесі фізичного виховання.
В диссертационном исследовании выявлено, теоретически обоснована и экспериментально проверена методика определения индивидуальной двигательной активности студентов в процессе физического воспитания на основе учета индивидуально-типологических особенностей, психофизического развития и физкультурно-спортивных интересов, основанная на использовании современных информационно-коммуникационных технологий, диагностики измерения, корреляционного и регрессионного анализов.
Выявлена взаимосвязь двигательной активности соискателей высшего образования по показателям физического здоровья, морфофункциональным и психическим особенностям организма, предложены критерии оценки индивидуальной двигательной активности, разработано и внедрено в образовательный процесс компьютерную программу «Activity for health», что отражает процесс определения индивидуальной двигательной активности; создание индивидуальной программы занятия, анализа и корректировки результатов практической деятельности с помощью современных информационно-коммуникационных технологий, программного обеспечения, автоматизированных систем управления. Дальнейшее развитие получило использование современных инфокоммуникационных технологий определения двигательной активности студентов в процессе физического воспитания.
The dissertation research reveals, theoretically substantiated and experimentally tested the method of determining the individual motor activity of students in the process of physical education based on individual typological features, psychophysical development and physical culture and sports interests, based on the use of modern information and communication technologies, diagnostics and regression analyzes. The practical significance of the obtained results is the introduction of a method for determining the individual motor activity of students and a computer program with an assessment of their motor activity, which can be used in the educational process of higher education institutions.
The interrelation of motor activity at higher education seekers with indicators of physical health, sex-age, morphologic-functional and mental features of an organism is revealed, criteria of estimation of individual motor activity are offered, have been developed and implemented the computer program "Activity for health" for using in educational process. The reflects the process of determining individual motor activity, creating an individual program of training, analysis and adjustment of practical results with help of modern information and communication technologies using , software and automated control systems. The using of modern info-communication technologies for determining the motor activity of students in the process of physical education is developed.
The practical significance of the obtained results is implementation of a method for determining the individual motor activity of students and a computer program with an assessment of their motor activity, which can used in the educational process of higher education institutions.
The analysis of scientific and methodical literature on the researched problem allowed to revealing the absence of the developed model of information technologies application in the process of physical education of students, to reveal the problem of software lack, which carry out process of physical education at the modern scientific and technical level.
It is established that physical education of students in the conditions of use of modern information technologies should be based on specially developed computer programs, realization of programs-complexes of physical exercises in various forms of training lessons.
The use of modern information technologies will allow to predict control dynamics of changes in physical condition, choose individual volumes of load, determine the individual level of motor activity , which is necessary for normal functioning of human’s body, and in a timely manner to assess educational achievements in physical education.
It was found that the indicators of psycho-emotional state, physical fitness, physical activity and motivation of students to know about physical education are at a fairly low level. A survey of physical education teachers found that higher education institutions did not have enough computer equipment to be used during classes.
Based on the results of the research, a method for determining the individual motor activity of students in the process of physical education has been developed and theoretically substantiated, which consists of two parts: for physical education teachers during classes and for students during independent physical exercises.
The key feature of this technique is the introduction into the educational process of physical education developed computer program "Activity for health". Using the program allows young people to operate with indicators of their physical condition, determine the individual level of physical activity based on their own data, compose their own program of physical activity according to the desired level of health, to keep managed the training process to choose the most optimal parameters of physical activity.
In addition, students will be able to calculate aerobic efficiency and total training time in units of time in regular gadgets, evaluate their own heart rate curve during physical activity, as well as assess the adequacy of exercise and physical activity in general.
The results obtained during the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method for determining the individual motor activity of students in the process of physical education. Thus, the analysis of the average group results of the psycho-emotional state of students in the experimental group indicates a significant increase, namely: improved mood, which increased in both, boys and girls.
Such dynamics is also characteristic of indicators of activity and well-being of students. The analysis of indicators of physical fitness of EG students at the end of the pedagogical experiment revealed a significantly higher success rate of physical exercises, in contrast to students.
Thus, the results of the pedagogical experiment allow us to assert the effectiveness of the implemented method of determining the individual level of motor activity has a positive effect on the improvement of psychophysical indicators and emotional state of students, which in own turn increasing both , motor activity and motivation for physical education.