У дисертації вперше розроблено та теоретично обґрунтовано теоретичні та методичні основи підготовки фахівців природоохоронної галузі з екологічного моніторингу у системі післядипломної освіти. Розроблено концепцію системи підготовки фахівців природоохоронної галузі до екологічного моніторингу в післядипломній освіті в синергетичній взаємодії цільової, методологічноорганізаційної, професійно-розвивальної, результативної підсистем. Розроблено та експериментально перевірено структурно-функціональна модель формування та розвитку професійної компетентності фахівців природоохоронної галузі з екологічного моніторингу зі цільовим, концептуальним, змістовним, операційно-діяльнісним, контрольно-регулятивним, результативно-діагностичним компонентами, яка ґрунтується на системному, синергетичному, компетентністному, особисто-діяльнісному підходах. Представлено авторське бачення дефініції «підготовка фахівців природоохоронної галузі до екологічного моніторингу у післядипломній освіті», «професійна компетентність фахівців природоохоронної галузі з екологічного моніторингу». Набули подальшого розвитку освітні, освітньо-наукові програми підготовки майбутніх фахівців і професіоналів, підвищення кваліфікації та стажування здобувачів післядипломної освіти; системи формування професійної компетентності фахівців природоохоронної галузі з екологічного моніторингу в контексті системносинергетичного підходу; навчально-методичне забезпечення підготовки фахівців з екологічного моніторингу як складова частина формування професійної компетентності.
The thesis presents for the first time developed and theoretically substantiated theoretical and methodological basis, concept of permanent system of environmental protection specialists training for Environmental monitoring in postgraduate education in synergetic interaction of target, methodological-organizational, professionaldevelopmental system. The system of environment protection specialists training for Environmental monitoring has been developed, its continuity has been characterized (from the request of the society for environmental monitoring specialists to their professional growth and employment) and the steps (from future specialists to the recipients of educational services in the system of postgraduate education), which ensures the formation of the conditions for the continuous system of scientifically grounded theoretical and methodological architecture of the content of professional education and the integrated environment of education, science, innovation and professionalism. The target, methodological-organizational, professional-development subsystems and their key contents, which define the administrative, organizational, methodological, scientific-professional stages of training of environmental protection specialists in Environmental monitoring and their functional support, are distinguished. The content and methodological components of the postgraduate education system in the fields, functions and principles of professional development are formulated, on the basis of which the organizational and content structure of the system of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in the environmental protection industry is developed. The structural and functional models of formation and development of professional competence in environmental monitoring with target, conceptual, meaningful, operationally-activity, regulatory control, result and diagnostic components have been developed, scientifically substantiated and experimentally tested, based on the system, synergetic, competency and personal-activity approaches. The method of formation of professional competences in environmental monitoring have been studied from preparation of future specialist to upgrade of already acquired practical experience, through the principles of training, meaning content, methods, forms and instruments of training, diagnostics of knowledge and skills, which will ultimately form highly qualified specialist able to solve complex environmental problems in professional activity. Professional development of environmental specialists in the system of postgraduate education provides the formation of system-integrative professional competences in environmental monitoring. The content of training in the advanced training of environmental specialists is formulated at theoretical, methodological, technique, scientific and research levels, the choice of which is based on the professional experience of environmental monitoring professionals. The main topics of the classes in the content training modules for the students of advanced training courses, which are obligatory for studying, are defined, since they form the basis for the formation of professional, system-modeling, research competences in environmental monitoring. Thematic content of the training of environmental protection specialists in accordance with their professional direction, namely, scientific and pedagogical workers, who carry out the training of future specialists in environmental monitoring; employees of state institutions and their structural divisions on ecology, environmental protection and balanced nature management; environmental engineers at enterprises, organizations and institutions that ensure compliance with environmental legislation; scientists conducting modern research on environmental monitoring, searching for and developing new methods of analysis, evaluation, forecasting and methodology of scientific knowledge. The educational, educational and scientific programs and training of future specialists and professionals, advanced training and internship of applicants in the systems and postgraduate education; systems for the formation of professional competences in environmental monitoring in the synergistic approach context; educational and methodological support for the training of specialists in environmental monitoring as components and part of the formation of professional competences have acquired further development.