У статті підіймається проблема неухильно зростаючого рівня вживання психоактивних речовин. Разом з тим, констатується факт нестачі в Україні психологів – фахівців по роботі з залежностями. Вихід з такого становища автор вбачає у застосуванні в роботі з адиктивними особами коучингового підходу. Визначено основні напрями його впровадження, за кожним з яких запропоновано систему відповідних вправ або тренінгів.
The article raises the issue of the steadily growing level of use of psychoactive substances in Ukraine and the world as a whole. However, numerous measures taken by governments and NGOs do not contribute to its solution. At
the same time, the author notes the fact that Ukraine is extremely short of psychologists – specialists in working with addictions. On the other
hand, the main staff of rehabilitation centers –
counselors – despite all their desire to work are
not allowed to provide psychological services
to their clients. The author sees a way out
of this situation in the application of the coaching
approach in working with addictive individuals.
This will increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation centers and individual consultations through
more qualified work of counselors and synchronization of their effects with the psychotherapeutic
actions of psychologists. The definition of coaching is given, its varieties are considered, their
content is briefly analyzed. Based on the model
of coaching developed in 1994 for people suffering from ADDH, it is concluded that it can be
used to work with addicts. Based on the IPOD
model of addiction therapy, the psychological
content of each of its stages is analyzed, its features, goals and objectives are identified. Based
on these data, the main areas of implementation
of the coaching approach are identified: increasing motivation, organization of life and prevention
of pathological urge to use. A system of appropriate exercises or trainings is proposed for each
of these areas. Thus, to increase motivation for
recovery, the client is taught to set goals and create a vision of life prospects. In the context of life
organization, a set of life coaching tools and communication trainings is proposed. Exercises for
relaxation, decision-making and others are provided for prevention of pathological urge to use.
In addition, the article provides a brief overview
of the program "7 skills of a recovering drug
addict and alcoholic", which is based on a coaching approach.