The article analyzes the combination of social relations, which form modern market. The introduction of two coordinate vectors: a) state of the personality that is in the reproductive, adaptive and creative states and b) state of society, which is in the state of stagnation or developing randomly or according to linear laws, serves the basis for the formation of the coordinate grid with nine taxa. Each market segment has its own “climate” and “requirements” for company’s behaviour. The rationally proved movement across matrix field helps the companies win the competition and survive. The means of optimization is the corporate ideology as a universal tool of bringing the above-mentioned components into compliance with each other. Corporate ideology has to be of nine types. The conducted research showed that: 1) the mode of declining development corresponds to the ideology of traditionalism, which adheres to the value and sanctity of traditions, value of activity as a repetition and reproduction of existing behavior samples and doesn’t presuppose their rational criticism; 2) the mode of imposed development of medium intensity corresponds to the ideology of compromise, which adheres to the need of reciprocal concessions in solving production problems in conditions, when integrative relations between suppliers and customers collapse; 3) the mode of imposed risk – the ideology of conformism, which promotes the value of coordination, leveling, pursuance of uniformity, single-mindedness in conditions, when production conditions deteriorate; 4) the mode of natural development of medium intensity – the ideology of rationalism, which follows the need of further intensification of the production process; 5) the mode of evolutionary development – the ideology of evolutionism, which adheres to the value of timely change of mode of thinking, mindset and activity on account of any modifications of production conditions; 6) the mode of imposed development of high intensity – the ideology of convergence, which coheres to the value of equation of properties of similar production situations and rules of behavior despite the stick-slip changes of production conditions; 7) the mode of initiated risk – the ideology of individualism, which adheres to the value of uniqueness and singularity of individual’s activity and mindset to break the conservative system, functioning in static market conditions; 8) the mode of natural development of high intensity – the ideology of innovations, which promotes the value of such way of thinking, mindset and activity that are marked by constant striving for innovations, for the development and implementation of completely new forms of organization of production, work and management, and interpersonal relationships between participants of the production process under the conditions of gradual changes of external conditions; 9) the mode of revolutionary development – the ideology of co-evolutionism, which adheres to the value of such mindset, way of thinking and activity, which perceive the processes inside and outside state enterprise or private company as co-developing.
У статті проаналізовано сукупність суспільних відносин, що утворюють сучасний ринок. На основі введення у систему двох координатних векторів: а) стану особистості, що перебуває у репродуктивному, адаптивному і креативному станах, б) стану суспільства, що перебуває у стані стагнації, розвивається за лінійними законами, або непередбачувано, створюється координатна сітка з 9 таксонів. Кожному сегментові ринку притаманний «свій клімат» і «свої вимоги» до поведінки фірми. Раціонально обґрунтований рух матричним полем дозволяє фірмам забезпечити виграш у конкурентній боротьбі і виживання.