Мета статті – подати огляд рубрик «Лонгрід», створених на інформаційних
ресурсах «Новинарня», «Новое время» («НВ»), «Корреспондент.net», «РБК-Україна»,
«Укрінформ». Актуальність пов’язана з потребою узагальнити визначені вже в
журналістиці й науці типологічні особливості лонгрідів і продемонструвати розмаїття в підходах до створення цього формату повідомлень в українських ЗМІ.
Результатом дослідження є послідовний опис і аналіз обсягів, контенту, тематичної і жанрової палітр, стилістики, архітектоніки лонгрідів.
Ukrainian journalists today popularize longreads
by creating headings of the same name in their media. They also work to create
individualized concepts for these works.
The volume of text proposed longeads most publications it is insignificant.
Acquaintance with them is lengthy mainly due to viewing images, scrolling, and reviewing.
A fairly wide range of topics has been proposed. Own thematic concepts are
formed (for example, events in the East of Ukraine, historical figures and events,
scientific achievements). Within the framework of these concepts, the service themes
are emphasized. The entire spectrum of “recommended” topics for long-handed topics
related to the disclosure of the chronology of events, the creation of a portrait of a
person and the like is involved. Journalists are focused on the problems of geopolitics,
the development of science and technology. On the periphery − acute social issues. Most
of themes are able to not lose their relevance for a long time.
In the headings «Longread» use from three to nine basic genres. In addition to
reports, biographies, essays, portraits, interviews, articles, news feature, chronicles,
journalistic investigations adapted for the long-story format, longreaders also submit
reports, tips, news, and advertising messages. Stylistically, longreads differ little from
other publications in the media. Storytelling technologies are rarely used.
Architectonics of longread has a number of its features, which makes this format
unique. Adaptive design does not apply. Parallax scrolling is not used on all resources.