У статті обґрунтовано наукову школу доктора педагогічних наук, професора І.О. Рейнгарда, що була створена у 70-х рр. ХХ
ст. на базі кафедри педагогіки і психології Дніпропетровського державного університету. Виявлено основні напрями досліджень ученого
(зокрема, оптимізація навчального процесу за рахунок його впорядкування). Встановлено, що І.О. Рейнгард є одним із засновників педагогіки вищої школи як науки, що він уперше виокремив й обґрунтував
принцип упорядкування навчального процесу у ВНЗ, що науковцем
був запропонований структурно-інформаційний підхід до розгляду
форм і методів викладання та інформаційно-психологічний підхід до
впорядкування навчальної інформації у вищій школі.
Different approaches to the disclosure of the concept “scientific
school” were analysed in the article. The main lines of research that were
developed by Igor Reinhard, the Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences and the
Professor, were substantiated. It was studied out that from 1968 to 1978
Reinhard had been the Head of the Department of pedagogy and psychology
at Dnipropetrovsk State University. Under the guidance of Reinhard the
department has become not only an important study unit of the university,
but also a well-known centre in the field of pedagogics of higher school.
Reinhard managed to gather a team of supporters. During this period his
scientific school of informational and psychological approach to arranging
educational information in higher school is being formed. The scholar has
substantiated the principle of regularizing the educational process in higher
school for the first time. He was also the first who applied informational
and psychological approach to the choice of forms and methods of teaching.
It was found that Igor Reinhard had become one of the founders of a new
scientific branch – pedagogics of higher school. It is noted that Reinhard’s
teaching practice as well as the research of the development of his basic
ideas in the works of his followers and students, and the actualization of his
pedagogical views need the further research.