Досліджено початкові фази вегетації Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. в північних зонах Лісостепу України в умовах аномально теплих зим. Проведено аналіз погодних особливостей зимового сезону 2019-2020 рр. Встановлено, що середньодобові температурні показники зими вищі за середні багаторічні показники на 2,68°С. Наведені дати входження дерев у фази набубнявіння бруньок, квітування. Відмічено прискорення фази набубнявіння бруньок з 20.04±11,5 до 07.03±14, квітування з 26.04±10 до 24.03±12,5. Зазначено, що раноквітуючі дерева втрачають при повторних заморозках від 60% до 100% репродуктивних органів. Сповільнення фази набубнявіння бруньок зменшує втрати у результаті дії морозів і підмерзання становить від 25% до 60%. За результатами проведених досліджень, для забезпечення стійкого плодоношення культури, рекомендуємо добір пізньоквітучих місцевих форм і міжвидову гібридизацію з A. Dasycarpa (Ehrh.) Borkh.
On the territory of the northern forest-steppe of Ukraine, active introduction of apricot (A. Vulgaris Lam.) lasts less than a hundred years. In Ukraine, only 4 species are acclimatized: A. vulgaris, A. sibirica,
A. mandshurica, A. dasycarpa, of which the most popular is the apricot – A. vulgaris. We noted earlier a slight
discrepancy, between the climate of the forest-steppe of Ukraine and the biorhythms of apricots, which negatively
affects winter hardiness, and above all, the fruiting of apricots. That’s why, the initial phases of Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. vegetation study is very important for the northern regions of Ukraine in the conditions of abnormally
warm winters. The analysis of weather features of the winter season 2019-2020 is carried out. It is established
that the average daily winter temperature is higher than the long-term average by 2.68 °C. In order to analyze the
initial phases of the growing season, we examined the apricots growing in private estates, in adjacent territories, in
parks and gardens of Kyiv and its environs. The onset of development phenological phases was determined and the
percentage of reproductive organs freezing was estimated, as well. Abnormally warm winter of 2019-2020 led to
the premature exit of apricot trees from the phase of dormancy. Prolonged heat, in February, led to an accelerated
vegetation and the development of generative buds. The dates of occurrence of trees in the phase of bud swelling,
flowering were given. We noted the acceleration of the swelling phase of the buds from 20.04 ± 11.5 to 07.03 ± 14,
flowering from 26.04 ± 10 to 24.03 ± 12.5. The flowering took place in two stages: the first – a group of trees bloomed
before frost, the second – the trees bloomed after frost. Evaluation of flowering in the first period was 4.5 points.
However, with the onset of frost, the vast majority of flowers froze. Trees that have fully bloomed have lost the
most flowers. Flowering after frost was rated from 0 to 2 points. It is noted that early flowering trees lose from
repeated frosts from 60% to 100% of reproductive organs. Slowing down the phase of buds swelling reduces losses
and freezing from 25% to 60%. As a result of research, to ensure sustainable fruiting of the culture, we recommend
the selection of late-flowering local forms and interspecific hybridization with A. dasycarpa (Ehrh.) Borkh