Дисертаційне дослідження присвячене актуальній психолого-педагогічній проблемі формування елементарних математичних уявлень у дітей із помірним і тяжким ступенем інтелектуального порушення 8-11 років. Розроблені в дисертації рівні сформованості і типи засвоєння елементарних математичних уявлень у дітей із помірним і тяжким ступенем інтелектуального порушення дозволили виявити особливості і створити спеціальну методику формування елементарних математичних уявлень у дітей із помірним і тяжким ступенем інтелектуального порушення. Використання цими дітьми елементарних математичних уявлень, сформованих завдяки експериментальній методиці, дозволяє розвивати комунікативні навички, соціалізувати й інтегрувати дітей із помірним і тяжким ступенем інтелектуального порушення в суспільство.
Диссертационное исследование посвящено актуальной психолого- педагогической проблеме формирования элементарных математических представлений у детей с умеренной и тяжелой степенью интеллектуального нарушения 8-11 лет. Разработанные в диссертации уровни сформированности и типы усвоения элементарных математических представлений у детей с умеренной и тяжелой степенью интеллектуального нарушения позволили выявить особенности и создать специальную методику формирования элементарных математических представлений у детей с умеренной и тяжелой степенью интеллектуального нарушения. Использование этими детьми элементарных математических представлений, сложившихся благодаря экспериментальной методике, позволяет развивать коммуникативные навыки, социализировать и интегрировать детей с умеренной и тяжелой степенью интеллектуального нарушения в общество.
The thesis is aimed at the creation and approbation of a special technique of formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children with moderate and severe intellectual impairment (MSII) aged 8-11. The practical significance of the study is to identify the peculiarities and state of mastering elementary mathematical concepts in maths by children with moderate and severe intellectual impairment and to develop a special methodology for the formation of relevant concepts. The use of the developed special methodology in the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts in children with moderate and severe degree of intellectual impairment will contribute to the development of their everyday social and communication skills, improve the process of their social adaptation and integration into society. We have developed the psychological recommendations for the organization of the teachers’ interaction with children with moderate and severe intellectual impairment in social, motivational, emotional, and educational-and- meaningful stages of the special methodology introduction for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children with moderate and severe intellectual impairment. These recommendations can become a basis for the improvement of educational, correctional, and developmental programs as well as for the creation of manuals for teachers of individual form of studies of children with special educational needs; teachers, defectologists, psychologists, and educators of special institutions of general secondary education (special GSE) for the children with intellectual disabilities; teachers, teaching assistants of inclusive classes, and special education teachers of special secondary education institutions; specialists of educational and rehabilitation centers (NDCs) and inclusive-resource centers (IRCs) under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; specialists of orphanages under the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. The results of the investigation can be used in the process of vocational training, retraining, and advanced training of relevant teaching staff. During the ascertaining stage of the psychological and pedagogical experiment, we carried out a psychological and pedagogical study of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children with moderate and severe intellectual impairment. We have developed the principles of the psychological and pedagogical study of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of primary school age (humanistic orientation, individual approach, unobtrusiveness of psychological and pedagogical study, combination of psychological and pedagogical stages of psycho-educational study, analysis of their psychological and pedagogical education). We have identified the components (meaningful, operational and organizational, emotional and motivational), criteria, and indicators of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children with moderate and severe intellectual impairment. These are: psychological, cognitive, and behavioral criterion, with such indicators as features of thinking, speech, and attention; cognitive and meaningful criterion, which is indicated by the concepts of color, size of objects, and spatial and quantitative concepts. We have also identified types of mastering (passive-and-positive, passive-and-negative, situational (passive-and-active), reproductive-and-active, reproductive-and-passive) and levels of formation of mathematical concepts in this category of children (sufficient, medium, low, very low). In accordance with the goals and objectives of the pedagogical and psychological blocks, we have developed and implemented a special method of forming elementary mathematical concepts in children with moderate and severe intellectual impairment, which consisted of social, motivational-and-emotional, and educational-and-meaningful stages. Experimental verification of the conditions of the special method of forming of elementary mathematical concepts in children with moderate and severe intellectual impairment proved the effectiveness and expediency of its application in the conditions of special GSEs for children with intellectual disabilities, NDCs, IRCs and orphanages.
The data of the psychological and pedagogical study in the experimental group showed positive dynamics in the development of all the criteria. We have proved the effectiveness of a special method of forming of elementary mathematical concepts in children with moderate and severe intellectual impairment as evidenced by the changes in the level of these concepts' formation. In particular, the number of children with very low and low levels of formation of elementary mathematical concepts decreased proving an obviously positive dynamics in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Children became more active and positively attuned during the lessons of maths, negative reactions diminished. Such changes also affected the types of mastering elementary mathematical concepts in girls and boys. We noticed an increase in the number of children with situational (passive- and-active), and reproductive-and-active types of mastering knowledge.