Вперше у ході впровадження у закладах вищої будівельної освіти України компетентнісної освітньої моделі запропоновано методичну систему навчання фізики майбутніх фахівців будівництва та цивільної інженерії, орієнтовану на підвищення рівня компетентності студентів з дисципліни «Фізика» та забезпечення пропедевтичної підготовки до опанування дисциплін професійного циклу. Обґрунтовано провідну роль фізики у становленні фахової компетентності інженера-будівельника. Доведено, що використання запропонованої методичної системи навчання фізики є особливо актуальним при підготовці фахівців будівництва та цивільної інженерії в силу специфіки будівельної галузі.
Вперше розроблено навчально-методичний комплект «Фізика: будівництво та цивільна інженерія» як засіб реалізації запропонованої методичної системи. Вперше запропоновано додаток до Стандарту вищої освіти для спеціальності 192 «Будівництво та цивільна інженерія», у якому визначено нормативний зміст фахових компетентностей майбутніх фахівців будівництва та цивільної інженерії, узгоджений із кінцевими результатами навчання фізики, які є основою формування цих компетентностей. З метою оптимізації освітнього процесу вперше розроблено модульну програму розподілу навчального матеріалу з дисципліни «Фізика» за лекційними, практичними і лабораторними заняттями.
Впервые в ходе внедрения в учреждениях высшего строительного образования Украины компетентностной образовательной модели предложена методическая система обучения физике будущих специалистов строительства и гражданской инженерии, ориентированная на повышения уровня компетентности студентов по дисциплине «Физика» и обеспечение пропедевтической подготовки к освоению дисциплин профессионального цикла. Обоснована ведущая роль физики в становлении профессиональной компетентности инженера-строителя. Доказано, что использование предложенной методической системы обучения физике является особо актуальным при подготовке специалистов строительства и гражданской инженерии, что объясняется спецификой строительной отрасли и требованиями работодателей. Впервые разработан учебно-методический комплект «Физика: строительство и гражданская инженерия» как средство реализации предложенной методической системы. Впервые предложено дополнение к Стандарту высшего образования Украины для специальности 192 «Строительство и гражданская инженерия», в котором определено нормативное содержание профессиональных компетентностей в согласовании с конечными результатами обучения физике, являющимися основой формирования этих компетентностей. С целью оптимизации образовательного процесса впервые разработана модульная программа распределения учебного материала дисциплины «Физика» по лекционным, практическим и лабораторным занятиям.
It is for the first time when the methodological system of Physics training to civil engineers has been suggested in the institutions of higher construction education during the implementation of the competence educational model which is orientated on the competence level increasing in physics among the students, their knowledge in nature science and provision of propaedeutic training for professional disciplines mastering. It is proved that knowledge of Physics is the basis of the future specialists' and civil engineers' competencies that is why its lack can lead to the future complications in their professional activity and to the dissatisfaction with the results. It is substantiated that the increasing of the level of knowledge and skills in Physics as well as their generalization are possible only in terms of targeted and systematic combination of different types of teaching. Therefore, teaching physics in the institutions of higher construction education must be targeted as well as combine different types of educational activities and methodological approaches of different levels of generalization. Such organization of the educational process is possible only when using the specially developed methodological system which is the integral pedagogical unit that provides combination and interaction of all elements of the educational process. The suggested system is based on the systematic prognostication and designing of managerial and educational activities, integration of training activity procedure and their consistency with the personal characteristics of the students. The components of the methodological system are interconnected and interdependent, they occur in accordance to logic of educational process. Respectively, the system-forming elements of methodological system of Physics teaching to civil engineers are purposes and motives of educational process, regulatory documents, the content of the discipline "Physics", forms and means of planning and implementation of educational process, methods of its control and pedagogical correction. We have defined the specific features of teaching physics in the institutions of higher construction education. We have also defined that there is a need of development of the methodological approaches which are orientated on regulation and stimulation of the students' cognitive activity considering the specifics of the future profession. It has been proved that it is possible only in conditions of integration of the content of the educational discipline "General Physics" and the disciplines of professional cycle of training. It is stated that, considering the peculiarities of the construction field, the organization of the educational process in physics must be based on competency-based approach and must be directed on the formation of the professionally orientated knowledge that is the basis of professional competencies. It has been proved that the realisation of the mentioned above strategy is possible only if basing on competence-based educational model on condition of formation of which the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical skills is effectively implemented which is the necessary requisition in the specialists training. It has been suggested the author's interpretation of the term "the competency-based educational model", in particular: the competency-based model in educational process of the future civil engineers is orientated on formation of such personal qualities as awareness of value orientations, the unity of the interdisciplinary theoretical knowledge and skills, ability to implement professional tasks basing on self-motivations, the ability to self-realization and constant self-development due to constant information updating in the sphere. It has been substantiated the leading role of Physics during the process of mastering the professional disciplines by the future civil engineers. It is proved that the formation of the special competencies among the future civil engineers requires knowledge in Physics, as the lack of understanding of physical laws leads to failure of mastering these competencies by the civil engineers. It is also proved that the use of the suggested methodological system of Physics learning is particularly relevant during the training of the future civil engineers because in modern conditions and because of the specifics of construction field and requirements of the employers the training of the specialists beyond this model is ineffective and doesn't meet the public requirements. It is defined that to organize the effective training process for future civil engineers basing on the competency-based educational model and according to the Standard of higher education for the speciality 192 "Construction and civil engineering " it is necessary to establish the methodological system which is orientated on updating and modernization of the educational process through the competencies formation in Physics as well as through the professional competencies formation on initial stages.
It was developed the educational and methodical set "Physics: construction and civil engineering" as the means of realization of the suggested methodological system. For the first time it has been suggested the annex to the Standard of higher education for the speciality 192 "Construction and civil engineering " in which the normative content of professional competencies for civil engineers is determined and concerted with the end result of Physics learning (knowledge and skills) that is the basis of these competencies formation.