Дисертацію присвячено пошуку шляхів підвищення ефективності формування
культури здоров’я старшокласників шляхом корекції їх психоемоційного стану
засобами психотехнічної спрямованості на уроках фізичної культури. Досліджено
уявлення учнів 14—17 років про стан свого здоров’я і негативні чинники впливу на
нього, а також ціннісні орієнтації, мотиви до занять фізичною культурою та
зацікавленості культурою здоров’я, що дозволило підтвердили гіпотезу про те, що застосування психотехнічних вправ та ігор у процесі фізичного виховання
старшокласників має позитивний вплив на психічне і фізичне здоров'я, таким чином
підвищуючи мотивацію до самовдосконалення і загальну культуру здоров'я.
Визначено критерії сформованості культури здоров’я за показниками
психоемоційної сфери (розвитку позитивних емоційних властивостей) у дітей
старшого шкільного віку в процесі навчання психотехнічних вправ та ігор.
Розроблено і теоретично обґрунтовано методику формування культури здоров’я
учнів старшої школи із застосуванням психотехнічних ігор та вправ на уроках
фізичної культури, доведено її ефективність з позиції змін у психоемоційній сфері
школярів та динаміки показників адаптаційних і функціональних можливостей їх
Диссертация посвящена поиску путей повышения эффективности
формирования культуры здоровья у старшеклассников путем коррекции и развития
их эмоциональной сферы средствами психотехнической направленности на уроках
физической культуры. Исследованы мотивационно-ценностные ориентации
школьников касательно здоровья и его сохранения, подтвердившие гипотезу о
необходимости введения психотехнических игр и упражнений в уроки физической
культуры для старшеклассников. Положительно влияя на психическое и физическое
здоровье, они способны повысить мотивацию к самосовершенствованию у
старшеклассников и культуру здоровья в целом.
Определены критерии сформированности культуры здоровья по показателям
психоэмоциональной сферы у старшеклассников в процессе обучения
психотехническим играм и упражнениям. Разработана, теоретически обоснована
методика формирования культуры здоровья учащихся старших классов с
применением психотехнического игр и упражнений на уроках физической
культуры, доказана ее эффективность с позиции изменений в психоэмоциональной
сфере школьников и динамики показателей адаптационных и функциональных
возможностей их организма.
The work constitutes a theoretical and experimental justification for the
implementation of a methodology of developing a health culture in high school students
using psycho-technical games and exercises during physical education classes. The
methodology is aimed to form competencies in the psycho-emotional sphere in high
school students and improve culture of personality health in general.
The study represents an understanding by the 14-17 years old pupils of their own
health condition and the impact of negative factors on it, as well as value orientations,
motivation to physical training and motivation of health culture. This allowed confirming
the hypothesis that the psycho-technical exercises and games that are used in the process
of physical education in 15-16 years old students, have a positive effect on mental and
physical health, thereby increasing motivation for self-improvement and the overall health
The developed methodology of using psycho-technical exercises and games consists
of 35 relative classes up to 10 minutes at each physical education class. The teacher at
his/her sole discretion decides when exactly to conduct a relative class, depending on a
scheduling program; other previously learned exercises for relaxation and restoration of
strength are performed during warm-up or after physical activity, according to the
preferences of the students.
Psycho-technical exercises and games are chosen to help in lowering the level of
general anxiety among high school students back to normal, increase the level of volitional
self-regulation, prevent the occurrence of depressive states, psychological stress with the
control of the result of owning psycho-technical exercises and games and the ability to use
them independently.
In order to test an influence effectiveness of the created methodology in the
formation of a health culture of high school students, it is suggested to evaluate the
acquired knowledge and skills in the psycho-emotional sphere, taking into account main
criteria of motivation and needs, cognitive, activity-practical, reflexive-appraisal, and also
high, sufficient, average and low levels.
Results of the developed survey and self-evaluation questions are used for an
assessment of an acquired knowledge of treatment group, which are used for the formation
of the main groups of competencies that a graduate of secondary school should have: the
ability to control oneself, the correct expression of negative feelings, recognition of
anxiety and anger signs, as well as the improvement of self-control and self-organization.
Thus, the evaluation of knowledge and skills development in the psycho-emotional field
consists of a survey points (0 to 12) and self-evaluation (0 to 12) divided in half, which
allows considering a personal influence of psycho-technical games and exercises on each
student. Development of certain qualities at the beginning and the end of the experiment in
the control and treatment groups was taken as a basis for verifying the effectiveness of the
implemented methodology of using psycho-technical games and exercises. We have
checked autonomic changes, changes in the psychological and emotional state of students, the level of general self-regulation development, the level of personal self-actualization
and social adaptation, as well as the level of motivation for success, which helped to
evaluate an influence of psycho-technical games and exercises on mental health. Physical
activity was also tested in the survey results.
An analysis of the empirical values between the experimental and control groups
obtained during the 9-month pedagogical experiment under Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test
showed that for girls they are in significance zone for voluntary self-regulation, the
general anxiety, the level of emotional tension, the level of social adjustment of students,
the integral index of mental tension (p≤0,01), aggression, rigidity (p≤0,05). For boys
empirical values between the indicators of the severity of vegetative dysfunctions, the
level of depression, the level of emotional tension, the integral index of psychic tension,
general anxiety, aggression (p≤0,01) are in the zone of significance. Therefore, students of
the experimental group had significantly higher results of proven indicators of psychophysiological and mental adjustment than those of the control group.
A practical significance of the developed methodology in the formation of a health
culture among high school students using psycho-technical games and exercises during
physical education lessons lies in the determination of the improvement direction of
children’s health of high school age by correcting psycho-emotional component of the
personality, obtaining and applying knowledge, skills of high school students during
physical education classes and extracurricular hours. The other practical significance is in
established formation criteria of health culture in relation to the psycho-emotional sphere
of children of high school age during the training of psycho-technical games and
exercises, as well as evaluation system of acquired competencies by students. The
developed methodology helps to increase motivation for self-improvement, acquiring selfregulation technique of the psycho-emotional state. The need to develop self-control of their achievements by the students and its positive impact on motivation to support their physical health is justified by the example of assessing acquired competencies in the psycho-emotional sphere of health culture.