Дисертаційна робота присвячена створенню та апробації методики соціально-педагогічного супроводу командою фахівців дітей з глибокими порушеннями зору в умовах навчально-реабілітаційних центрів, розробці та впровадженню в практику НРЦ комплексу корекційно-розвивальних заходів, соціально-педагогічних технологій, методик організації процесу соціалізації учнів. У дисертації теоретично обґрунтовано, розроблено стратегію та представлено методику підготовки педагогічного колективу навчального закладу і батьків до соціально-педагогічного супроводу дітей з глибокими порушеннями зору. Розроблено рівні соціалізації дітей з глибокими порушеннями зору за трьома критеріями: когнітивний, мотиваційно-ціннісний та особистісно- діяльнісний. Експериментальна перевірка методики соціально-педагогічного супроводу засвідчила її ефективність та доцільність використання в НРЦ для дітей з глибокими порушеннями зору.
Диссертационная работа посвящена созданию и внедрению в практику методики социально-педагогического сопровождения командой специалистов детей с глубокими нарушениями зрения в условиях учебно-реабилитационных центров, разработке и апробации комплекса коррекционных мероприятий, социально-педагогических технологий, методик социализации учащихся с нарушениями зрения в рамках их комплексного социально-педагогического сопровождения. В диссертации теоретически обоснована, разработана стратегия и представлена методика подготовки педагогического коллектива учебного заведения и родителей к социально-педагогическому сопровождению детей с глубокими нарушениями зрения. В работе представлены уровни социализации детей с глубокими нарушениями зрения на основе трех критериев: когнитивного, мотивационно-ценностного и личностно-деятельностного.
The dissertation is devoted to the creation of a method of complex social and pedagogical support by a team of specialists of children with profound visual impairments in the conditions of new type educational establishments, in particular, educational and rehabilitation centers, development and approbation of a complex of compensatory-corrective measures, pedagogical technologies, methods of organization social and pedagogical support. In the dissertation the strategy is theoretically designed and prepared the pedagogical team of the educational institution and parents for the implementation of the system of social and pedagogical support of children with profound visual impairment in the ERC. Based on the study of scientific sources, it was found out that social-pedagogical support is a system of consistent, complex, social-pedagogical activity of a team of specialists, which provides the processes of individualization of the student's personality, creates conditions for his/her self-determination at the expense of his own capabilities and abilities, provides assistance in overcoming problems and difficulties of his/her socialization, protects the rights of the student. It is established that social and pedagogical support in the pedagogical system of a educational and rehabilitation center is a systematic, complex and consistent process of supporting a child's personality, creating conditions for his / her independent life choice and making decisions, self-realization in leading activity, adaptation in society at all ages. Support is provided by all subjects of the pedagogical system in situations of interaction with the child. Socio-pedagogical support is aimed at finding strengths and compensatory mechanisms of the development of a child with profound visual impairment, correction, resistance to preserved mental functions and analyzers, taking into account the structure of the disorder and the level of psychophysical development, creating social and pedagogical conditions for forming a connection with society. According to the results of the implementation of the system of support in the practice of educational and rehabilitation centers, the universality of the system of social and pedagogical support of children with special educational needs, regardless of the primary violation and its degree, has been proved. Empirically identified individual- personal and social factors that contribute to the process of socialization of persons with profound visual impairment; it is proved that the systematic, complexity and continuity of performance of diagnostic, formative, correction-developmental and informational functions of social-pedagogical support in the educational process of children with profound visual impairment. In this work the levels of development key competences of children with profound visual impairment which are necessary for successful socialization are designed in three components: development of individual-personal sphere, formation of interpersonal relationships and socially approved behavior, development of motivation and self- determination, in particular professional one. Of socio-legal and defectological aspects of providing of socialization of a child with special educational needs, a system of social and pedagogical support of children with profound visual impairments was developed and implemented. It is established that complex social and pedagogical support by a team of specialists should be based on basic methodological principles that allow creating and implementing effective innovative technologies of teaching children with special educational needs, aimed at the development of all spheres of child socialization (leading activities; interpersonal relationships and communication, self-awareness and behavior). The result of the realization of the set tasks is successful entry of graduates into higher educational establishments of the III-IV accreditation levels. More than a half of the graduates of the institution (56%) became students of technical schools and colleges, 20% of the graduates – students of the universities of Ukraine. The organization of the system of social and pedagogical support of children with profound visual impairments in the conditions of the educational and rehabilitation center contributes to their successful socialization, personal, life and professional self- determination.