Виявлено, теоретично обґрунтовано та експериментально перевірено
педагогічні умови формування готовності до професійної самореалізації
майбутніх техніків-технологів харчової галузі у коледжах, до яких віднесено:
формування у майбутніх техніків-технологів харчової галузі мотивації до
професійної самореалізації на засадах суб’єкт-суб’єктної взаємодії;
розширення змісту навчального курикулуму через інтеграцію акмеологічного
та компетентнісного підходів в освітньому процесі коледжу; включення
майбутніх техніків-технологів харчової галузі в професію через набуття
досвіду професійної самореалізації у позааудиторній роботі та під час
навчально-виробничої практики.
Виокремлено основні структурні компоненти готовності до
професійної самореалізації майбутніх техніків-технологів харчової галузі.
Визначено компоненти, критерії та схарактеризовані рівні готовності до
професійної самореалізації майбутніх техніків-технологів харчової галузі у
коледжах. Спроектовано модель формування готовності майбутніх техніківтехнологів харчової галузі до професійної самореалізації.
Уточнено змістове наповнення понять «готовність до професійної
самореалізації майбутніх техніків-технологів харчової галузі» та
«формування готовності до професійної самореалізації майбутніх техніківтехнологів харчової галузі».
The pedagogical conditions of formation of readiness for professional selfrealization of future technicians-technologists of food industry in colleges were
determined, theoretically grounded and experimentally tested, such as: formation
in future technicians-technologists of food industry of motivation for professional
self-realization on the basis of subject-subject interaction; expansion of the content
of the curriculum through the integration of acmeological and competency
approaches in the educational process in colleges; integration of future
technologists of food industry into the profession through gaining experience of
professional self-realization in extra-curricular work and during training and
production practice.
The basic structural components of the readiness for professional selfrealization of future technicians-technologists of food industry were distinguished.
The components, criteria and levels of readiness for professional self-realization of
future college food technologists have been determined. The model of formation of the readiness of future technicians-technologists of food industry for professional
self-realization was designed.
The meaningful content of the following concepts was specified: “readiness
for professional self-realization of future technicians-technologists of food
industry” and “formation of readiness for professional self-realization of future
technicians-technologists of food industry”.
The model of formation of the readiness of future technicians-technologists
of food industry for professional self-realization in colleges consists of theoretical,
procedural, and resultant blocks. The theoretical block of the model includes the
purpose, scientific approaches, tasks, and content of the training of future
technicians-technologists of food industry for professional self-realization. The
procedural block of the model consists of such elements as stages of preparation,
pedagogical conditions by which the preparedness of future technicianstechnologists of food industry for professional self-realization is carried out;
components; forms and methods of training. The resultant block of the model is
characterized by the determination of criteria, indicators, and levels of
preparedness of future technicians-technologists of food industry for professional
self-realization. The result is the preparedness of future technicians-technologists
of food industry for professional self-realization.
The program of the pedagogical experiment of the research consisted of the
implementation and testing of the effectiveness of the pedagogical conditions of
formation of readiness for professional self-realization of future technicianstechnologists of food industry in colleges.
The ascertaining stage of the experiment was to formulate the purpose,
objectives and main directions of its implementation. The program of the forming
experiment was conditionally divided into 4 stages: motivational-cognitive,
operational-technological, reflexive and value-corrective. The forming stage was
carried out on the basis of the experimental complex we created. During this stage,
a model of forming the readiness for professional self-realization of future
technicians-technologists of food industry in colleges for students of experimental
groups was introduced into the educational process by making adjustments to the
content-methodological support of the process of their preparation.
During the control stage, re-diagnostics and comparison of results were
carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of content-methodological
provision of the process of preparation of future technicians-technologists of food
industry for professional self-realization in colleges.
The results of the control phase of the experiment testify to the effectiveness
of the influence of the developed content and methodological support on the level
of readiness of future technicians-technologists of food industry for professional
self-realization in colleges, which comes as a result of significant differences
between the indicators of the preparedness components in the control and
experimental groups.