У дисертації досліджено формування виконавської майстерності майбутніх
бакалаврів з акторського мистецтва драматичного театру і кіно у фаховій
Виявлено педагогічні умови формування виконавської майстерності
майбутніх бакалаврів з акторського мистецтва драматичного театру і кіно у
фаховій підготовці, а саме: інтенсифікація освітнього процесу за рахунок
інтеграції змісту у циклі професійної підготовки; активізація навчальнопізнавальної діяльності майбутніх бакалаврів з акторського мистецтва
драматичного театру і кіно за рахунок впровадження інноваційних освітніх
технологій; впровадження авторських спецкурсів «Тренінг словесної взаємодії»
та «Тренінг виконавської майстерності актора», а також теоретично обґрунтовано та експериментально перевірено в умовах освітнього процесу у
закладах вищої освіти.
Визначено зміст, структурні компоненти, критерії, показники,
охарактеризовано рівні сформованості виконавської майстерності майбутніх
бакалаврів з акторського мистецтва драматичного театру і кіно у фаховій
підготовці. Розроблено та науково обґрунтовано організаційно-педагогічну
модель формування виконавської майстерності майбутніх бакалаврів з
акторського мистецтва драматичного театру і кіно у фаховій підготовці.
The thesis is concerned with the formation of performing skills in professional
training of future Bachelors of Drama Theater and Film Acting.
The thesis contains description of basic concepts of the study as well as an
outline of the features of forming the performing skills in professional training of
future Bachelors of Drama Theater and Film Acting. The concept “Performing Skills
of Drama Theater and Film Actor” is interpreted as the main component of the
performing arts and the actors’ professional activity which includes external and
internal acting techniques, artistic interpretation in the process of artistic
transformation and stage action; Performing Skills of a future Bachelor of Drama
Theater and Cinema Acting are seen as a certain level of professional skills, abilities
and knowledge which include external and internal acting techniques, elements of
artistic interpretation and artistic transformation in stage acting and in the process of
professional training.
The thesis reveals the pedagogical conditions of formation of performing skills
of future Bachelors of Drama Theater and Film Acting in professional training,
namely: intensification of the educational process due to the integration of content in
the professional training cycle; activation of educational and cognitive activity future
Bachelors of Drama Theater and Film Acting through the introduction of innovative
educational technologies; introduction of the original special courses “Verbal
Interaction Training” and “Performing Skills Training for Actors” as well as their
theoretical substantiation and experimental testing in the conditions of educational
process in of higher educational institutions in Arts.
The thesis defines content, structural components, criteria, indicators as well as
characterizes the levels of formation of performance skills of future Bachelors of
Drama Theater and Film Acting in the professional field. It develops and
scientifically substantiates the organizational and methodological model of forming the performing skills of future Bachelors of Drama Theater and Film Acting
structured into following blocks: theoretical and methodological, operational,
diagnostic and productive. The theoretical and methodological block of the model
includes: goals and objectives, methodological approaches and principles. It aims to
shape the performing skills of future Bachelors of Drama Theater and Film Acting in
professional training. The operational block includes a cycle of professional training,
pedagogical conditions for the formation of performing skills, forms and methods of
teaching, training tools and technologies as well as stages of formation of performing
skills. We include the following major disciplines to the cycle of professional
training: “Acting Skills”, “Stage Speech”, “Stage Movement”, “Stage Singing”,
“Stage Dancing”; optional professional disciplines: “Verbal Interaction Training”,
“Performing Skills Training”. Diagnostic and productive block includes structural
components (motivational and value-based, cognitive, activity-based and creative,
professional and personality-based), criteria (motivational, cognitive, activity-based,
personality-based), levels (low, medium, high) of formation of performing skills of
future Bachelors of Drama Theater and Film Acting in professional training. The
product of professional training is the formed performing skills of future Bachelors of
Drama Theater and Film Acting in professional training. We define the program and
stages of implementation of organizational and methodological model of formation of
performing skills of future Bachelors of Drama Theater and Film Acting.
The effectiveness of the offered pedagogical conditions for forming the
performing skills of future Bachelors of Drama Theater and Film Acting in
professional training is theoretically grounded and experimentally tested. The results
of the experimental work indicate the significant differences between the control and
experimental groups after the completion of the formative stage of the research;
changes in the data characterizing the levels of formation of performing skills in the
professional training of future drama theater and film actors are more significant in
the experimental group compared to the control group which proves the effectiveness
of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the professional competence of the
future Bachelor of Drama Theater and Film Acting.