У дисертаційному дослідженні здійснюється експериментальне дослідження психологічних детермінант розвитку внутрішньої мотивації студентів у навчальній діяльності. В роботі на основі теоретичного аналізу підходів до вивчення внутрішньої мотивації розроблено рівневу модель її розвитку. Виділено три рівні розвитку внутрішньої мотивації: ситуативний, ситуативно-ціннісний та суб’єктно-ціннісний. Зі зростанням рівня розвитку внутрішньої мотивації відбувається зростання кількісного наповнення ціннісної сфери, виділення в ціннісно-мотиваційній сфері діяльнісних та моральнісних факторів, поява у межах виділених факторів груп цінностей внутрішньої мотивації: самодетермінації, компетентності та значущих
міжособистісних стосунків. Встановлено етапи розвитку внутрішньої мотивації (етап диференціації та етап інтеграції). На основі виявлених особливостей внутрішньої мотивації розроблено тренінгову програму її розвитку.
Диссертационное исследование посвящено экспериментальному изучению психологических детерминант развития внутренней мотивации студентов в учебной деятельности. В работе на основании теоретического анализа подходов к изучению внутренней мотивации разработано уровневую модель ее развития. Выделено три уровня ргтзвития внутренней мотивации: ситуативный, ситуативно-ценностный, субъектно-ценностный. По мере возрастания уровня развития внутренней мотивации возрастает количественное наполнение ценностно-мотивационной сферы, выделяются: деятельностные и моральностные факторы ценностно-мотивационной сферы, появляются в границах выделенных факторов группы ценностей внутренней мотивации: самодетерминации, компетентности и значимых межличностных отношений. Установлены этапы развития внутренней мотивации (этап дифференциации и этап интеграции). На основе выявленных особенностей внутренней мотивации разработана тренинговая программа ее развития.
The research is devoted to experimental study of psychological determinants of development of intrinsic motivation in educational activity. Self-determination theory (E. Dici, R. Ryan) posits that the nature of human beings is to grow and develop through the operation of what is called the organismic integration process. A person develops a progressively more elaborated, refined, and adaptive sense of self by striving to master one's environment, by internalizing experiences, values, and attitudes, and by integrating all this material with intrinsic aspects of oneself. Operating by the concept of the three innate psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness, the organismic integration process is the means through which one's motivated behavior can become increasingly self-determined - that is, increasingly choiceful and expressive.
The approaches to study of intrinsic motivation are generalized and on the basis of them level-model of development of intrinsic motivation is created. There are three level of intrinsic motivation: situational level, situational-value level, personal-value level.
Analysis of investigations of our and foreign psychologists give the possibility to make an operationalization of intrinsic motivation levels. The situational level of intrinsic motivation is defined as situational behaviour and feeling of self-determination, competence and pleasure from activity. The situational-value level of intrinsic motivation is defined as trans-situational behaviour and feeling of self-determination, competence and pleasure from activity. The personal-value level is defined as trans-situational behaviour and creativity.
On the basis of analysis the definition of intrinsic motivation is created. It is dynamic process, which have level-structure, connected with increasing of inner source of activity. This process is manifested on different levels in the feeling of autonomy, competence and relatedness, trans-situational behaviour and creativity.
In dissertation it is shown, that there is a change in the system of relatedness at transition from situational to personal-value level of intrinsic motivation. For the students with situational level of intrinsic motivation the teachers of secondary school are more important. At the same time in the values, connected with the teachers of secondary school morality loading prevail. For the students with personal-value level of intrinsic motivation the teachers of higher school and fellow students are more important. At the same time in the values, connected with the teachers of higher school activity loading prevail. These results can be explained by orientation of students with situational level of intrinsic motivation on the past. On the other hand students with personal-value levels of intrinsic motivation are oriented on the present and on the situation “here-and-now”.
In dissertation it is revealed, that a value complexity (quantity of value and quantity of factors) of motivation-value sphere during development of intrinsic motivation increase. Also we can observe such processes, as occurrence in value sphere of distribution of the factors into activities and moralities; disappearance of conflicts between values in motivation-value sphere of students; occurrence within motivation-value sphere’s factors of groups of values, connected with intrinsic motivation: self-determination, competence and relatedness.
On the basis of the carried out investigation we can formulate the stages of development of intrinsic motivation (stage of differentiation and stage of integration). At the stage of differentiation there is an occurrence of constructs of intrinsic motivation, and at the stage of integration there is an association of constructs within the factors and transforming constructs in values.
The found determinant of intrinsic motivation development is personal experience of intrinsic motivated behaviour, which leads to changes in motivational- value sphere and motivation. From other side, the changes in motivational-value sphere can provide changes in behaviour and lead to changes in motivation too.
According to revealed determinants of changes in intrinsic motivation we constructed the program of development of intrinsic motivation on personal-value level. The methodological basis of program was the representation of activity strategies as value (V.O. Molyako) and method of fixed-role therapy (J.A. Kelly). For approbation of the program forming experiment was carried out. Also we confirmed our conception of personal experience of intrinsic motivated behaviour and changes in motivational-value sphere as determinants of development of intrinsic motivation.
In dissertation it is shown, that the sense of development of intrinsic motivation lies in evolution of autonomy, competence and relatedness from situational needs to personal values. These values determine behavior relatively independent from situation.
In dissertation we also consider the perspective of further investigations. There is more detailed investigation of stages of development of intrinsic motivation on different levels; analysis of ratio of intrinsic motivation to extrinsic motivation; exploring of intrinsic motivation in different activities and different ages; attempt to find another means of development of intrinsic motivation except training.