Дисертація присвячена комплексному дослідженню політично-військових і соціально-економічних складових діяльності ОУН і УПА на території Житомирської і західних районів Київської областей (військова округа ”Тютюнник”) у період нацистської окупації протягом 1941-1943 рр. Дослідження базується на широкій історіографічно-джерельній базі та побудовано за хронологічно-тематичним принципом. У дисертації вперше в українській історіографії висвітлена діяльність українських націоналістів від їхнього освоєння цієї території до повернення органів радянської влади. Визначено, що з 1942 р. було припинено функціонування осередків ОУН(М) і лише ОУН(Б) зберігала присутність на цих теренах саме як організована сила, яка впродовж 1942-1943 рр. чинила опір нацистському окупаційному режиму і боролася з радянськими партизанами.
Диссертация посвящена комплексному исследованию политическо-военных и социально-экономических составляющих деятельности ОУН и УПА на территории Житомирской и западных районов Киевской областей (военный округ “Тютюнник”) во время нацистской оккупации — на протяжении 1941— 1943 гг. Исследование базируется на обширной историографическо-источниковой базе и построено за хронологическо-тематическим принципом. В диссертации впервые в украинской историографии освещается деятельность украинских националистов со времени их освоения этой территории и до возвращения органов советской власти. Установлено, что с 1942 г. было прекращено функционирование центов ОУН(М) и только ОУН(Б) сохранила присутствие в этом регионе именно как организующая сила, которая на протяжении 1942-1943 гг. оказывала сопротивление нацистскому оккупационному режиму и вела борьбу с советскими партизанами.
The thesis is devoted to a comprehensive research on political-military and social-economic components of the OUN and the UPA in Zhytomyr and Kyiv regions of the western districts (group (VO) “Tiutiunnyk”) during the Nazi occupation — within 1941-1943. The research is based on a broad historiographical materials and is built according to the chronological and thematic principle. It must be admitted that there is still no specific research in the Ukrainian and foreign historiography, where the above mentioned scientific issues would be elucidated.
The investigation has shown that the arrival of both the OUN mobile groups to the territory of Zhytomyr region and afterwards in Kyiv region took place in late July 1941 - immediately after they had been occupied by the Wehrmacht. The Ukrainian nationalists launched large-scale activities with the creation of local authorities. The authorities of the Ukrainian administration in Zhytomyr and in the western districts of Kyiv region were under partial control of the OUN members until mid-November of 1941, when the Nazi civilian government took over. Great practical achievements marked the activities of the Ukrainian nationalists in Zhytomyr region and in the western part of Kyiv in socio-economic, cultural and educational spheres. It had established a number of social work schools, founded several publishing houses, recovered the activities of the majority of educational institutions; a community network for the nationalistic youth organization “Sich” had also been created. The theatrical repertoire was Ukrainised.
The paper states that since 1942 due to the repression of the Nazi occupational authorities the actual functioning of the central units of the OUN(M) on the territory of Zhytomyr region and the western districts of Kyiv region had been stopped. During 1942 the OUN(B) would repeatedly become the object of persecution by the German penal authorities. But it had not caused the decline of its organizational units. Successful methods of secrecy and clandestine activities had contributed to the fact that the boundary of the Bandera organization was able to quickly restore the lost personnel and material and technical means. Since mid- 1942 the Banderas began to convert the local area leadership into the district one, which happened to improve management. The activities of the Ukrainian nationalists in 1942 were aimed at resisting the Nazi occupation regime and simultaneously at not contributing to strengthening the military power of the Soviet Union, including the Soviet partisans.
The research paper places a huge emphasis on the activities of the network of the OUN (B) and the military units of the UPA in 1943. It has been identified that since the beginning of 1943 the Ukrainian nationalists switched to the active process of formation of their own military forces and proclaimed the tactics of two fronts - against the Soviet and Nazi occupational authorities. These decisions had become guidelines for the activities of the Banderas on the territory of Zhytomyr region and the western districts of Kyiv region. In 1943, the main focus was placed onto the expansion of organizational ranks, the creation of product bases, collecting of arms and ammunition and carrying out the propaganda and the agitation of the ideology of the Ukrainian nationalists among local residents. In mid-1943 Berdychiv, Zhytomyr, Makariv, Pulynskyy and Popelnyansky central units were acting within the boundaries of Zhytomyr region and the western part of Kyiv region.
The spring of 1943 was the time when the UPA groups were formed. The “Tiutiunnyk” group (VO) happened to be one of those groups. It extended its activities on the territory of Zhytomyr region and the north-western districts of Kyiv region. The main form of the Ukrainian rebel tactics in VO “Tiutiunnyk” was a raid. Since May of 1943 the departments of the UPA began to conduct raids on the territory of Zhytomyr region and on the western districts of Kyiv region, which, having laced a few interruptions lasted until November 1943. It was the time when the Red Army had liberated Kyiv region - and Zhytomyr region for the first time. Along with the raiding UPA detachments on the territory of Zhytomyr region and the western districts of Kyiv region the local units of the UPA were coordinated and formed from the local residents.