Дисертаційна робота є теоретико-експериментальним дослідженням проблеми ефективного вивчення барокової і романтичної поезії учнями основної школи. Задля вирішення цієї проблеми запропоновано педагогічну технологію, яка сформована на комплексі теоретико-літературних та психолого-педагогічних засад. Як провідні у навчанні вибрано принципи етновідповідності, діалогічності, проблемності, індивідуалізації.
Концептуальна ідея полягає в успішному опануванні учнями поезії бароко і романтизму завдяки її діалогічному прочитанню в літературному (українська і зарубіжна література), мистецькому (барокова архітектура і скульптура, романтичний живопис) та філософському (морально-етичний ідеал відповідної епохи) контекстах. До змісту навчання залучено художні тексти, теоретико- літературні поняття, взірці архітектури та скульптури бароко, романтичного живопису. Визначено етапи, домінантні методи навчання на кожному з них, запропоновано низку інноваційних прийомів навчання та типів уроків. Напрацьовано алгоритми аналізу та інтерпретації творів, накреслено відповідні зорові опори.
Диссертационная работа является теоретико-экспериментальным исследованием проблемы эффективного изучения барокковой и романтической поэзии учащимися основной школы. Для решения этой проблемы разработана педагогическая технология, сформированная на комплексе теоретико-литературных и психолого-педагогических основ. Ведущими в обучении стали принципы этносоответствия, диалогичности, проблемности, индивидуализации.
Концептуальная идея исследования состоит в успешном изучении учащимися поэзии барокко и романтизма благодаря ее диалогическому прочтению в литературном (украинская и зарубежная литература), изобразительном (барокковая архитектура и скульптура, романтическая живопись) и философском (морально-этический идеал соответствующей эпохи) контекстах. В содержание обучения вошли художественные тексты, теоретико-литературные понятия, образцы архитектуры и скульптуры барокко, романтической живописи. Определены этапы, доминантные методы обучения на каждом из них, предложен ряд инновационных приемов обучения и типов уроков. Разработаны алгоритмы анализа и интерпретации произведений, начерчены зрительные опоры.
The thesis represents a theoretical and experimental research of the problem of effective study of the Baroque and Romantic poetry by pupils of secondary school. In order to solve this problem, a pedagogical technology based on combination of theoretical, literature, psychological, and pedagogical principles has been proposed. The principles of ethnic conformity, dialogueness, problematicity, and individualization were chosen as the leading ones.
The conceptual idea lies in successful learning of the Baroque and Romantic poetry by the pupils through the dialogical reading in the contexts of literature (Ukrainian and foreign literature), art (the Baroque architecture and sculpture, Romantic painting), and philosophy (moral and ethical ideal of the relevant epoch) by pupils. The teaching content covers literature texts, literary and theoretical concepts, models of the Baroque architecture and sculpture, the Romantic paintings. Stages and dominant teaching methods for each stage have been defined and a number of innovative teaching methods and types of lesson have been proposed. Algorithms for analysis and interpretation of the works have been developed and the appropriate visual reference points have been drawn. In order to develop abilities to analyse and interpret the Baroque and Romantic poetry, the visual reference points of ‘Common and Distinct Features of the Baroque and Romanticism’, ‘Moral and Ethical Ideal of the Epoch’, algorithms for learning a number of works, etc. have been proposed. Peculiarities of the analysis and interpretation of the Baroque and Romantic poetry as generated by constitutive features of these styles and artistic specific character of the poetry as such, including lyrics and lyrico-epic genre, have been defined. Specific sense in learning of the Ukrainian literature in school has the poetry of Taras Shevchenko, in particular his poems. In the course of the poems’ consideration, the attention of pupils was focused on the features of Romanticism as shown in the text.
The proposed teaching technology involves close interaction with philosophy and art criticism; philosophical knowledge requires understanding of moral and ethical ideal of the Baroque and Romanticism, interpretation of complex philosophical motives in the poetry; erudition in art criticism is required for effective use of works of architecture, sculpture, painting, music of the same styles as the learnt poetry. The context of literature is both domestic (the Baroque and Romantic prose) and foreign (trough comparing the works of Ukrainian poets and authors from other countries that are similar in certain aspects).
In the course of the formative experiment, the developed technology for teaching the Baroque and Romantic poetry on the lessons of Ukrainian literature was experimentally implemented in the school practice of the secondary school. The experimental teaching was conducted according to the program. Conditions of the experiment provided the implementation of the developed teaching technology in the experimental classes and the control classes studied the baroque and romantic poetry in a traditional way.
Upon completion of the formative experiment, the quizzes, which revealed to the teaching results in the experimental and control classes, were conducted. Educational achievements of pupils of 7th forms (young teenagers) on the topic of ‘The Romantic Poetry’ and 9th forms (older teenagers) on two topics ‘The Baroque Poetry’ and ‘The Romantic Poetry’ were checked. The test cases, challenging issues and topics of creative papers were aimed at identification of pupil’s literature competence by cognitive, functional and creative criteria. After analysis of the test and quizz results and implementation of the mathematical statistics method, the conclusion was made: the author’s technology for teaching the Baroque and Romantic poetry in the secondary school proved effective, the analysis and interpretation of the works with identification and comparison of literature styles, with use of contexts of literature (domestic and foreign) and art (architecture, sculpture, painting, music), with understanding of the moral and ethical ideal of the epoch gave much better result than the traditional teaching methods. The hypothesis suggested at the beginning of the research was quite reasonable and the experiment confirmed this. The conducted research has prospects for the further scientific research: technologies of teaching the neo- Baroque and neo-Romanticism in the high school, role of out-of-school activities in studying the Baroque and Romanticism in Ukrainian literature.